воскресенье, 20 мая 2012 г.

An alternative to the small feeder river. Part 1

Small rivers are usually larger tributaries of large rivers. In the spring of these tributaries rises the fish to spawn.

During the course of the spring fishing in small rivers of the most venturesome and effective, as this period goes to the upper reaches of the most diverse fish living in a large river.

The largest specimens of roach, roach, bream, ide caught at this time, although you can only fish from the shore and only a donk or a float rod with the amount of not more than two hooks.

But after the spring course, most of the small rivers is lacking is not a fish, especially those where, along with shoals and rapids, there are deep pits and koryazhniki.

There are usually kept close ide and bream. All of this local fish in late May and early June the spring changes its preferences when the main nozzle were worms.

Now she takes on more and more maggots, steamed peas or canned peas, barley grain, "mash" of semolina, semolina custard cool, rye bread, steamed wheat, and at the height of summer - on the greens Shelkovnikov. And often catches are quite weighty.

Despite all the advantages of English donks, feeder fishing on a small river at times can resemble a duck shooting shot "my best", or more - from the gun of a sparrow ... the tackle itself requires the scale and distance casting, but the meadow and forest creek, pretty and modest, too small for these casts, and tackle will be built catchability awkward and out of place here.

With the decline of the water when the river is already in its course, also be inappropriate use of heavy zakidushek. For fishing in late spring and summer of this gear is crude and ineffective, as the fish with the appearance of vegetation and a variety of insects is cautious and somewhat capricious. In addition, there is no need for heavy sinkers and large fishing line, because for is smooth and unhurried over-year.

Is surprisingly easy to use, easy to use and sensitive to biting side were donks, which I usually catch the boat after the spring ban. It may be affected, and the expectation of catching a nostalgic side. Moment when the cock napruzhinenny, shivering on the course, a sudden shake, and zvyaknet bell from the harsh bite - venturesome, and handsome.

Alternative feeder on small river
Alternative feeder on small river

It means a lot for this angler. In addition, the board donks were quite versatile tackle. To adapt to fishing from the shore is enough to fix the handle udilnika metal bars. With his help board donk securely stuck in the sand or in the solid shore ground.

If fishing is supposed to overnight, then you can still insure udilniki strong cord to a peg. Who knows what "the crocodile" can catch at night or early morning, especially if the donks on the hook to sit samozasekshiysya minnow or plotvichka? Or one of the original donok is placed for bait.

суббота, 19 мая 2012 г.

Good feeders need all anglers who catch a feeder tackle

What is the feeder trough? This ogruzhenny bait container for delivery to a specific point of the bottom. What role is played in the bowl feeder fishing? Almost - the key. Why not? Because the feeder trough performs one of the main principles of feeder fishing - Ships bait on the bottom of the pond. This leads to a chain reaction that leads to the desired goal of fishing. Delivering bait to a certain point, is formed (with some experience) clearly outlined the table feed on the bottom right "under the nose of the fish." That, in turn, helps to keep the fish in a greater concentration on less land, creating competition and excitement between her, which makes it more aggressive, blunting its care. This increases the chance of samopodsechki, and also reduces the time between bites, which allows to catch more fish in less time. This is one of the advantages of feeder fishing. In addition, feeder fishing, there are plenty of other advantages, both in financial terms, as well as emotionally. For example, the savings on the amount of bait, or get more pleasure from fishing. Also, the feeder can increase the distance on the order of fishing from the shore.
Feeder fishing (not without merit feeder feeders) allows for a lower cost, catch more fish, which makes it so attractive method of fishing. Unfortunately, the feeder trough, basically, are classified as consumables, along with hooks and leash. The reason for this is simple, sometimes throws occur (as they say) shootings, but most of the angler loses the trough at the bottom of the pond, due to the snags. Typically, there are hooks for the curb, grass roots, logs, shell, stone and different garbage (what, unfortunately, are very rich in our waters). This is not the least, and is due to bad vsplyvaemosti different types of bird feeders. Therefore, feeder feeders are in the list of articles - the cost of a fisherman, and every man has always tried to reduce the amount of this article. How to find a compromise between the low-cost feeders, and the presence of her characteristics of quality, brand bird feeders? I'm sure this question is given by each angler.
Some time later, after I got into the feeder, the question arose, and in front of me. In my opinion, the feeder trough must meet the following criteria:

Low cost
Good vsplyvaemost
High-quality flight
Good adhesion to the bottom of the reservoir
but for the makeshift more:

ease of manufacture
flexibility in the manufacture of containers of different sizes
flexibility in the production of the desired weight feeders
Neither feeder trough shoplifting does not possess these characteristics simultaneously, at least in our city. So I started looking for a way out. Scrolling through hundreds of web pages, read many different articles, and gaining a bit of experience, I came to the conclusion that feeding should consist of a narrow lead foot with a plastic container. With a plastic container, there is no problem, empty PET bottles out of the water, always at hand. As for the lead foot was the question: pour yourself or buy ready-made? Of course, if you pour yourself soles, you can achieve a lower cost (obratitte account the manufacturing process, described below, this does not change). If you do not pour yourself where to get ready? The solution was at hand.
At the beginning of my journey to feeder fishing gear, not knowing many nuances, some of which I have described above, I bought some cheap feeder troughs, which are sold in any fishing shop in the markets. They are affordable, but it turned out to be a rather poor performance. For this reason, they have me lay unclaimed. Since I have not used them, I decided to adjust for this project.
So, we need the following tools: wire cutters, stationery knife, scissors, a drill with a drill 4.2 mm, a ruler, a marker for CD, a soldering iron with a tip diameter of 4 mm., Riveting, stapler minimum.

Materials: cheap feeders, rivets 4mm in diameter and of varying length, internal diameter of 4mm washers (optional), and other dimensions, a plastic bottle.

First, I cut the mesh into a solid to lead, thus leaving only the sole.

I do a drill-holes diameter of 4.2 mm. It is desirable that the holes would have been closer to the edge of the opposite eyelet of the wire. Since the center of gravity is shifting back and feeding during ascent looks up, which gives a better lift.

Using a knife carefully cut stationery for all clean. And the remnant of chips from the edges of the steps of the holes and sharp corners soles, which may in future lead to cuts or other trouble.

The sole is ready.

After that, take my plastic container. The best material is cut out of plastic bottles? out of the water. As the saying goes, "cheap and cheerful." Bottles must be chosen on the basis of the rigidity of plastic, the harder the better. (Although my first bowl with plastic bottles of a soft hold on to this day).
So, as the sole has a size of 4.5 cm at 2 cm, I cut a strip of size (2.5 cm 6 cm 2.5 cm) = 11 cm by 4.5 cm (0.5 mm for the small stock and bond for the convenience stapler). So, as detailed in the bottle has a length greater than 22cm, I cut two strips at once. Most likely there was a question: why 6cm? First, cut off from the feeder network has a length of 6cm. (Manufacturer, too repelled from something), secondly, by experience came to what is the best option volume, although it is possible and 7cm and 8cm, but solely for the lake feeders. In the course of the larger container, the more it blows.

Next, note from the edges of 2.5 cm (there will be a fixture) and make a mark for future holes (on the feeders for the flow I make the holes smaller than lakes). Side of the inner rectangle note 5mm to the center. Since the strip is 4.5 cm in width, make a mark for every 1.5 cm along the line. Then, through a 1 cm. I repeat, staggered between them.

Through the plastic a little bent, not much, but at the same time straighten the side wings.

The next step. Combine edge (marked 2.5 cm) and fastens with a stapler on both sides. Does not always work the first time and not always punched two holes, but not critical, since mount - temporarily. What matters is that the container held together.

Ready-made containers. (Photo shows that one container of the lower clip, half-hearted. That is, made it to one side and the second to not interfere, I did cut pliers)

I picked up a soldering iron with a tip diameter of 4 mm (sold in the poultry market for a penny) and a hole in the container at the marked points in a checkerboard pattern. Sting with a soldering iron sharpened, so get a very convenient and accurate.

So, we got to the point where the platform and the container is ready. I start the build process. Enclose the container to the platform and then, as the sting of the soldering iron sticks through the holes in the platform and burn holes in the container.

Next, insert the rivet diameter of 4mm, which we select the length (it should be different in the length of the rivets, I have several of them). Attach the container to the bottom and in the future tore the place attachment, put on the puck inside the inner diameter of 4mm and riveting.

In order to be more mobile in the weights (the so-like store bought feeders usually have a weight of 25g, 30g, 50g, 60g, 75gr, 100gr), we can add washers of different masses, thus getting the right balance trough. So we can get the weight in 40g, 70g, 80g, 90g, and even 110gr.

Tu-same procedure with the second hole and feeding is done!

After weighing, the weight of feeders write marker for CD (CD / DVD / BD - PEN) at the very trough.
When the arm is stuffed, the process does not take much time (5, 6 pcs. No more than 3 hours), but these feeders provide a head start on the characteristics of any brand.

And another important point. It is advisable to paint the bowl lake. My method is quite cheap and simple:
take the vessel to put all the finished bowl and pour vinegar for about 12 hours. After that, pour out the vinegar and fill with a solution of potassium permanganate, and approximately 12 hours. Time can be increased if the tinting is weak. I have something like this: in the evening in the vinegar in the morning in a solution of potassium permanganate, the next evening, the solution drained and dried.

A little about Jiggs ...

Perhaps it is difficult to imagine a modern spinning without such areas as - catch predatory fish on lures silicone. Interest in silicon baits can be attributed to several factors: first, a successful predator fishing year round (which are the same baits we can not guarantee), and secondly, the minimum cost of bait (when compared with the cost of branded spinners, the difference will be noticeable) and thirdly, the fishing lure on the silicone does not require special skills and beginners with almost minimal set of gear, you can start successfully catching cherished perch, but perch. Well, the fact that silicone bait can entice any fish that live in our waters - is not unusual to catch carp, bream, etc.

The best time of year to catch trophy fish can be considered as the autumn. In the autumn (in principle, as in the spring before spawning), a predator can be caught throughout the day. In winter, the unfrozen waters fishing can be just as successful and enjoyable. By the way, the only joy for spinning in the winter. In the summer, at sunset or early morning when the predator enters the shallows for fish larvae, there is a chance to go home empty-handed.

How to choose a rod? There is a wealth of information about how to be a rod designed for fishing with lures silicone, basically all it boils down to one thing - the sensitivity. Rod for jig must necessarily be fast or super fast action (FAST or EXTRA-FAST) for fishing from a boat is preferable to spinning up 2.10 - 2.40m. (7 "and 8"). For coastal fishing suitable length from 2.70 - 3.00m. (Respectively, 9 "and 10") select test depending on the baits. As a test range, spinning rods can be divided into the following groups:

UL - Ultralight (ultralight 0 - 7gr)
L - Light (light from 7 - 15 g)
M - Medium (average of 10 - 30g)
H - Heavy (Heavy can reach up to 60 - 80g)

For a beginner is better to start with 2.40m. well as long-spinning may have problems with reflux, the struggle with the fish (directly on the beach), which ultimately can lead to loss of desire to catch at all. Pay special attention to the rings - they must be qualitative (FUJI, SIC) to be used as the braided cord. The main thing is not in a hurry, and believe me, with the first catching walleye long addicted to these kind of catching the predator.

How to choose the coil? Basically, what - what the specific coil is not worth taking. Here are some tips: First, try to pick up the weight of the coil under the weight of the selected spinning. Second, the coil must have a high ratio - ie the ability to quickly exhaust line. B - Third, a well-laid the line (because fishing involves the use of braided lines, the laying of a good pinch just required to avoid the "beards" and other troubles.) Do not be lazy in the store to check the coil on the ride and the absence of unwanted noise. It also does not hurt having a second spool (the presence of two different diameter and breaking load, cords may be necessary). Pay attention to the well-oiled clutch. If you choose the coil on the classification of DAIWA, it will be a universal size - 2500. The most popular sizes are the following:

1000 - 1500 Light, UltraLight.
2000 - 3000 Universal, medium-sized coil.
And from 4000 - the powerful carp reels.

Line. The main objective when fishing bait on the silicone - is a direct and continuous contact with the bait. Therefore, catching on silicon suggest using braided fishing line only - cord. The main quality braided cord - is it a zero stretch, then none of the usual woods we can not give. Second - large explosive load of small diameter cord (when fishing in deep water flow and indispensable quality). At this point in fishing shops have a huge variety of cables. When choosing pay attention to the section - it should be round (not so much lint and increase casting distance, that when fishing from shore is very important). Try to take a braided cord of bright colors - it improves the control of the lure. Performed well multicolored cords (each 10 meters in different colors). Since pike and perch fish schooling, with a biting can roughly determine the distance at which it was made.

Goods for silicon lures. The most common are two types of goods - a jig-head and the so-called "Cheburashka" or eared sinker. Jig-head - is mostly spherical weight with a hook soldered to it. Eared sinker - a spherical sinker with two deployed in different directions ears. Mounting the head fitted with a hook through the bait silicone. By eared sinker lure equipped with dual or offset hook is attached by winding the ring. (Pivot assembly). Advantages of this installation is that the lure becomes greater mobility, a sluggish predator is provoked to attack. For sites with lots of hooks used "Texas rig". The cargo in the form of bullets attached to the bait on the hook offset. Ways to ogruzki silicon lures many, but for beginners (not to be confused), these three would be enough to start. In the future you do decide which one suits you best.

Bait. The first rule in choosing lures can be only one - do not just buy bags of silicone all the favorite. In addition to confusion, any good you have it will not. Huge number of colors. It is my deep conviction color lures is 20% success rate. The most important thing - it's supply of bait, and the size of her game. The color can highlight the following: the clear water - engine oil, purple, brown and shades of dark green, blue, brown. In troubled waters - bright colors: green, white, carrot (perch) yellow (pike, perch, catfish) can give a good result two-color (black back, tail light) Again, if you catch a green ripper today is not the fact that he will catch tomorrow - try, experiment, and all you need work. Silicone bait can be divided into two main types - Rippers (vibrohvosty) and Twister. Catch equally well both of them. To get started, take a few dozen of both, would be enough. There are also a variety of silicone worms, octopus, crabs and edible gum. In winter, try to use a medium-sized rubber - 2-3 inches (5-7.5cm). As water is cold, the fish sluggish and inactive. In the spring, then the same thing - fish with caviar, a languid prefers medium-sized baits. Autumn - time, trophies, and you can put a bigger, but the important thing is not to overdo things should be in moderation. Separately, it must be said about the foam decoys. During the fall of the bait on the bottom, it stays like silicone and comes up as though imitating the feeding fish. This provokes an attack on the predator. Made it very easy (the simplest of sponges for washing dishes) and are worth a penny. Cut it in the form of carrots (special accuracy is not required) Porolonki used as nezatseplyaek.

I would like to say a few words about the quality of silicon. Nice, soft silicone definitely good, but on the river with strong currents, he might not play, or play a little but. On the rivers, I would not pursue the most soft baits (power flow and the average quality of the silicone gets a half-turn). But on standing bodies of water quality silicone is a must. And most importantly - believe in that bait, you have chosen and good luck is sure to be on your side.

Posting. You can start with the classical steps. Throws the bait. Choosing the excess cord. Wait until the bait sink to the bottom (this will tell us the tip of the rod, playing back). Make two or three turns coil, waiting for touching the bottom. Again, preroll, touch the bottom and so on to the shore. Many believe that the pause in the fall of the bait should be 2-3 seconds, but I prefer 3-4 seconds. If you count myself 21 22 23 24, it will be released exactly 4 seconds. In the process you can change the tempo of the wiring, increasing or decreasing the number of coil turns and the speed of rolling. The same step can be done and the rod - no reel podmatyvaya the line, and movement of the rod. During a weak bite useful to lure from the bottom margin to play along with the rod tip. Do not be afraid to experiment - after all who does not come up with the perfect bait wiring. When posting, pay attention to any irregularities of the bottom - well, protrusions, bumps, branches, driftwood, solid bottom edge. Usually these are the places where love be a predator. Do not forget that fishing is a constant search for the predator.

And finally, I would like to ask - think about carefully to the places where you are fishing. Many people often blame the locals, "Clubswinger" and all around, but not themselves. Let's be honest, well neither as he can not double (which catches on a simple or cheap donk spinning telescope) to leave a package of expensive hooks, lures, strings and even more bottles of attractants. Let's all try to take their garbage with them, this is not difficult. Given that almost all have personal transportation. And one more small but ..... let's forget about the big words, the fora of global improvement of the ecosystem, and begin each with himself. Release, if possible, the fish are not necessarily all, but 10-30% of your catch is quite real issue. These are a few percent will not give you anything, but make no mistake, at the national level it will be a great contribution.

And maybe in 30 years, came to the shore of your favorite lake, this time with grandchildren, you are firmly convinced that they are not porezhutsya of rusty cans of corn "SENSAS" with the smell of strawberries ..

Feeder tackle.

Feeder - for the novice fisherman that word might ring hollow. However, this is the way of fishing, in recent years began to win the hearts of a lot of fishing. Moreover, committed various ages. Try to understand what it is - on the feeder fishing tackle.

Feeder or "English donk" as a way of fishing originated in England. Feeder is a specialized feeder rod and reel and snap with a trough. Feeder is the main feature of the feeder. In English, the feeder (feeder) means - feeding. The basic idea is to spot bait feeding on a certain area of ​​the bottom. At the same hook with bait will be directly in the baited area. In part, this fact is fundamental to the success and effectiveness of feeder fishing. Correctly matched, balanced tackle can bring you incredible results, and a lot of positive emotions. Feeder tackle you can catch any fish, peaceful, and not excluded, and catch a predator. Understanding the essence of feeder fishing, you'll be permanently subdued simplicity and elegance of this truly British gear!

Feeder rod. Feeder is a plug, a two-or three-part rod with a lot of crossing rings. The number depends on the knee-length rods. One of the features of the feeder rod is that it performs the role of signaling bite rod tip. Therefore, for feeder fishing rods have certain differences from all other types of rods. First, most often, vershinki they are removable. The set includes three or more vershinok. Choosing vershinki we are guided by the terms of fishing (the presence or absence of flow, the power flow, weather conditions). Vershinki differ on the test range: 1oz., 2oz., 3oz., 4oz., (1 oz - 28 grams). When choosing a feeder vershinki do not forget to also take into account the weight of the food. Try to keep the snap from the trough does not exceed the maximum test vershinki and rods (many manufacturers inflate the test). Leave 7-10 grams stock as an overload or vershinki form can lead to breakage. All feeder rods can be divided into four main groups:

Lightweight feeder or picker - Light, mostly private two rods with a test range of up to 1.5 ounces (40 - 45 grams)

Average Feeder - Medium, it's two, three private fishing rods with a test range of 2-3 ounces (50-80 grams)

Heavy Feeder - Heavy, long, powerful feeder rod with a test 3-4 ounces (80-120 grams)

On top of a heavy feeder - Extra Heavy, feeders, designed for power, long-distance casting feeders weighing 150-200 grams or more. Enjoy fast action.

The length of the feeder rod pick up depending on the catch. For small rivers 3.30-3.60m. Big River 3.60-4.5m. 3.50-4.20m of the lake. Universal length can be considered as 3.60-3.90m. When choosing a feeder rod, turn your attention to the more hard and fast feeder. This will improve accuracy and increase casting distance. Also note the number of rings, the more of them, the better (load evenly distributed on the form).

Coil. The coil is an indispensable part of the feed gear. Since catching on the feeder involves the capture of large specimens (carp, grass carp, bream) coil must be relatively powerful force. And as the weight of the feeders can reach up to 200 grams or more, it is necessary. If we start from the classification DAIWA, it is the size of 3000-4500. Preferably with a large gear ratio, are coming frequent casting tackle. The coil should have a smooth running and well-laid twine or braided line. Note the absence of extraneous noise in the coil. An important element is the availability of a spare spool. Remember that the clutch must be properly configured (except when caught trophy fish may happen trouble in the form of descent, or termination). Clutch is preferred - rear. Not prevent the existence of clear fishing line free Baitrunner (Baytranner)

Monofilament or braided line. Since the signaling device is a bite in the feeder rod tip, then the braided line is a must. The main advantage of braided cord is its zero stretch. It is this quality allows us to ignore even the most cautious bite of fish. At small diameters, cables have a high breaking load. In the course of just need to use the finest woods in order to minimize the effect of the flow and prevent the demolition of the feeder. Small woven stretch cord and can be a disadvantage when dealing with trophy fish. However, friction can be properly configured to rectify the situation. Monofilament fishing line performed well when fishing at short range.

Feeder equipment.

Feeder rigs - a lot and they are all good, but is to provide the basic three:

Paternoster Gardner - parts invented English angler Steve Gardner. Knitting can be both individually and in the main fishing line. Take the end of the main line and knit a simple loop. This loop will attach the leash to a hook. Further measures the 15-20cm from the loop and knit another loop. Do this loop larger so it passes freely through the feeder. You can make a small loop and the first Prodi in her swivel with a carbine. That's it. The only thing that, for the removal of a lead with a hook must be 1-2cm. below the trough. So we can avoid overlaps with the trough leash. Paternoster, a snap-in, which is considered the most sensitive and easy to manufacture.

Asymmetrical loop. Is the most popular feeder rig. Fit separately. We take a segment of line 1-1.5m. You can take a cheap and preferably a tough, 0.3-0.4mm in diameter. Fold in half and our segment knit a simple loop. Size of the loop about 1-2cm. Measured 10-15cm. twine and twist the two together. The result should be a twisted, hard for the removal of a lead with a hook. Fix a twist knot. At the free end of line put on a swivel snap hook to it, we will cling to the feeder. Fold both ends of the half so that the swivel was at a distance of 2-3 cm from the twist. At a distance of 15-30cm. Both the fishing line fix the node. One end cut off. At the other end knit a simple loop that will connect our rig with the main fishing line. This equipment allows the feeder to freely slide along the loop. This gives us a better sensitivity. Hard twist removes the leash from the hook on feeders, avoiding overlaps.

The symmetric loop. The same, only the loop is the same, leaving 1-2 cm of the stranding. He is also a very sensitive and easy to use.

You can also use special tubes protivozakruchivateli. Through a tube is passed the main fishing line. Bead worn to prevent deformation of the unit, and fit a simple loop. With this loop will be connected to a lead with a hook. On the tube already have a carabiner to attach feeders. Such equipment is also good, but I think it is not rough to the right elements. But this is my personal opinion, such a snap, too, can successfully catch fish.

Lead with a hook. The length of the leash, depending on the catch, can vary from 10-15cm. up to 1 meter or more. There are some unwritten rules. Bite is not visible, but the nozzle is eaten, then you should reduce the length of the leash. The sharp bite, but the fish are not detected, the leash should be extended. Weak and a few bites, then you need to put a finer lead and reduce the size of the hook. The hook is the element of equipment, which need special attention. If anything, and you can save in the feeder, it was not on the hook. Do not chase the big hooks, dreaming of the major trophies. Gone are the days when the hook is chosen more to fish is not gone. Today's sharp hooks and are made of quality steel. Even a small hook securely hooking the fish.

Feeder trough. Currently, there are plenty of feeder troughs. They vary in weight, volume, size and materials of which have been made. Select the type of feeder you want us to we can, guided by the terms of the places where we will catch. Feeders can be divided into closed and open. For standing water better fit around the feeders, open type. For fishing for a better fit trough a rectangular, square and triangular shapes. They are best kept on the bottom. In turn, this reduces the weight of the bowl. To be a strong flow of an ideal triangular trough. So as you can pick up an animal feeding trough for the nozzle type, it is grubs, crank. Do not forget that the weight of the food must meet the claimed test for feeder rod. A good show and homemade gravy train. In zakoryazhenyh where there is a high probability of breaking trough, it makes sense to use a homemade trough. They are very well come up and cost them a minimum.


Finally we come to the most important point, this feeder groundbait. Factory, a huge number of branded baits. Bait should consist of three main components. First, a basic part. Most of the bait used to attract fish. Secondly, it is filling. Some of the bait used to hold the fish at fishing. And third, it's all kinds of flavor enhancers. Bait is mixed directly on the waterfront. And it is better to use water from the reservoir, too. Do not rush to plant bait water. Pour a little and wait until it is absorbed. At this time, you can safely collect the feeder tackle. Top up with more water. Mix. From the obtained bait balls cling to good, but when you are just as easy to break. In the course of nice to add clay as a factory making and taking it right on the beach. Clay is heavier bait, and the faster it will reach the bottom. The same bait will slowly erode over. In the cold time of year always adding to the bait animal ingredients, this joker, maggot, worm. So as well attract fish and homemade bait. Here are some of the major components of a homemade bait:

Basic. In order to attract fish to the point:

Cookies (shortbread)

Bread crumbs.

Corn grits

Oil-cake fried (cyprinid major component)

Munk (very important for viscosity)

Bran (act as leavening agents)

Filler. It is used to hold the fish in the catch point. As fillers are used cereal. Usually, it is millet porridge, barley, peas. In the hot season, the main thing is not to overdo it. The water is warm and porridge fast kisnet.

Attractants. Vanilla, coriander, fennel, honey, garlic, hemp, etc.

The most important thing is not to saturate the fish ahead of time and do not overdo it with attractants. In this case, the effect will be quite different.


Nozzles are animal and vegetable origin. Bits of animal origin, it is grubs, crank, and all kinds of worm larvae and beetles. Bits of vegetable origin, it is all grass, pieces of fruit and vegetables, bread, cereal and hard boiled, etc. Try to keep something that you catch, always present in the bait. This is important. Bits of vegetable origin is well caught in the summer, early fall. Bits of animal origin are well used to cold water. At this time the fish is looking for a more nutritious diet.

Fishing on the feeder means that after a certain amount of fishing will be collected. This package of bait bags, cans, boxes and packing out attractants. Do not be lazy and after fishing collect all garbage. He was committed is not difficult, to bring to the nearest box. The next time you came to the shore, you'll be fishing in a clean start. Feeder fishing yields excellent results. The capture of five or more kilograms of fish are not uncommon. In the beginning, the small roach bait suited, silver bream, white bream, and of course they will fall to you on the hook. Try if possible to let her go. This is largely in the future will provide you with good results.

Forest River.

This river connects the four lakes, located at a considerable distance from each other, and empties into a large river. The species composition of fish on it, very rich. The fish often migrate from the lake into the lake, and sometimes the catch is three or four different species of fish. Plots of the river between the lakes, or great river are very different - and this is not surprising: after all, and it flows through the forest, and through the meadows.

For a couple of hours before sunrise, sit on the bike and I was in the woods on the banks of the river.

The river littered with fallen trees greatly: Hurricanes and the beavers did their best. I do not need to say that fishing is spinning requires a certain expertise and skills. Traveling and working fishing. Of the baits at this point I prefer a light jig - the loss of baits are fairly common phenomenon. But that's not to say that here I do not use your favorite poppers and lures ..

Catch the start of the dark, so the headlamp flashlight handy. Casting on this creek is desirable to do with the current, very tightly to the fallen trees and bushes. Bait is moving against the flow, respectively. This is a very important point ..

A small tip: when fishing on the "dark" using twisters with svetonakopitelem - in the darkness they are more noticeable. With the onset of daylight, go to a normal-colored twisters vibrohvosty.

Before sending reflux flashlight beam on the bait and just cast the first bite of pike.

Then gently moving along the shore, catching perch .. And what that sixth sense I sense that someone is watching me .. I look around - it is! Fulmar - fox decided to see who there is fishing in his possession. Behind the scenes trying to get a camera, but the fox is hiding in the bushes .. Picture did not work.

I continue to catch perch .. I look back - again he was watching me. Giving his perch, he ran up to him enough and .. photo on the memory!

Grabbing a fish he hid in the bushes ...
With the first rays of the sun stops biting predator .. And already at the end of fishing, bream twister enough ..

The sun had risen. Fishing is over.

And in concluding his narrative, spinning the golden rule:
"Do not catch a fish, where it is convenient to catch. There, she caught a long time.

How to make a cicada?

On catchability a bait, as the cicada is legendary. One of the fishermen says that cicadas come to the rescue, even in moments of complete lack of bite. Another part says that the cicada predator does not bite at all. I decided to make the bait at home, at the same time wanted to use the minimum amount of tools. The result was a lure, which can without much trouble and expense to anyone fishing. The main feature of my method of making homemade cicadas is that all used tools and materials can be found at home. Is that if there is no plaster, will buy or make repairs to ask the neighbors. It should not cast a lot and find it does not make much of a problem.

Tools and materials

For the manufacture of cicadas, we need the following tools and materials:

Tool. A knife, a small chisel, a hacksaw (if available a small grinder, the work will go much faster), a drill with a set of small diameter drill bit (if not drill the holes for the hook, and fastener can be made smaller or dowel rod sharpened). The material for the thin petals, therefore, making holes with a problem should arise. Sandpaper of varying grits and pasta GOI, to give the gloss lobe future of our lures. Also, we need the capacity to make a plaster form. In principle, any suitable cardboard box, but you can make a box of thin plates or sheets of plywood. So, from what will be done by the foundation for the plaster forms, the quality of future products will have no effect. To shape the petals, you will need a flat and round file. Pencil or marker. A sheet of paper. Dishes for mixing plaster. It is desirable to choose dishes from a soft plastic, then such container is easier to clean the remnants of plaster.

Materials. First, it is sheet metal for the manufacture of blades for future cicadas. This is mainly copper, brass, bronze and stainless steel. It is easiest to work with copper and brass, as these materials respond well to treatment. I advise you to use the sheet metal thickness from 0.4 to 0.8 mm. The thicker it will be bad "play" with the wiring, because of the greater weight. The petals of a thin material can not withstand the load jerks big fish and the fish just go away with the double or the whole cicada. You can also use galvanized sheet metal, over time, it fades and becomes dull. This color is a good bait to use to clear water, when it is too bright petals can scare away the fish. The main lobe of the production not to damage the galvanized. With regard to the fact that the zinc rusts, I can say one thing - if a petal carefully polished, it will have virtually no rust. I have a homemade petals from rotating spinners, they are a year and they are not a bit rusted. While they were in the water repeatedly.

Also, we need to lead. Of lead, we'll do a future cargo bait. Better to take a soft lead with antimony, it is easier to work with. Typically, a shell from the cable and the battery lead. When working with lead follow basic safety precautions.

Clay, we need to make an exact copy of a future bait. Clay can use any.

Gypsum. We need to cast the form in which we cast lures. Now I use a dry construction mixtures based on gypsum. JAFI forms longer, but at the same time, they are more durable. If the plaster mold dries well, it is not enough for a dozen castings.

The process of making cicada lures ...

First, on a sheet of paper draw the outline of the future lobe. Cut and carry on a sheet of metal. You can draw directly on a sheet of tin.

Cut. Process a file, removing burrs. This will be the template. In the future, it will be to cut the remaining leaves. Now take the clay. The most important thing to calculate the weight of the future of our lures. I am doing is simple, take a ball of clay with a diameter comparable to the big-eared load "Cheburashka". The accuracy of plus or minus 1gramm. Can be calculated by the formula, but I think it's faster and easier. Exactly in the middle of a plasticine ball sticks, our petal, and attach the form we need. We do it with a knife and a small, semi-round gouges.

As a result, you should get an exact copy of the cicadas.

Prepare a box to make a plaster form. To fill in exactly (approximately) half of the box with plaster, inside, draw a pencil or a marker label. Dilute plaster and fill in the form of a half. Gypsum should be diluted to a thick cream. We take our copy of the cicadas, one half of the oil the oil (vegetable fits the usual) and presses a half in the plaster.

It is also recommended to equip the form of guides to facilitate the combination of the form before casting. They may be from a bulge of plaster or metal pins or balls. Leave to dry. If gypsum is used, then 1-2 hours is enough. If a dry mixture of 5-8 hours. At this stage there is no point in this half completely dried form. After half a dried, oil the surface of the mold and the cicadas oil.

Fill the second half. And waiting for the complete drying. It will take approximately 1-2 days. Completely dried form is light, white light and heard the ringing sound of impact.
While the dry form can engage in the manufacture of petals. If the petals are ready, the faster will be the process of casting lead. Draw the petals on a sheet of metal. Cut. Drill the necessary holes. If you hold the grip of several pieces, they can be simultaneously drilled and obtochit. Grind the workpiece on the sandpaper, going from coarse to fine paper. Polish to a shine. At the point where it will load, drill holes or spend 1.2 times more hacksaw. Since the cargo would be safer to hold on to petal. Drill holes for a shotgun in an amount from 1 to 3 pieces. Later, it will give the opportunity to change the frequency of oscillations in the wiring and the angle bait when posting.

When the form is a little dry out, cut it and dissociate gate and the channel for the air outlet. Doing it with a regular knife. Channel for the air outlet is required in order to lead form filled out completely.

Thus, the form of dried petals can be ready to start casting. Before casting the shape it is desirable to warm up. Insert the lead petal and fill. It is desirable to do on the street or in a well ventilated area. Caution Be careful when working with hot lead! After 1-2 minutes take out a ready and prepare the next cicada.

If you have prepared all the petals, the cast of 10-20 baits not be easy. It will take 30 minutes on the force. Cicada will only handle a little knife, and she is ready. You can once again polished with GOI paste.

It remains to equip our twin bait (always stings to the top) and the bait is completely ready for battle. Equipped with such a bait, a little hooked. Check our job cicadas in the bathroom, and on the lake!


Two hours ... the night. And on the street - as light as day, and even purple sun caught the edge of the horizon. But for some reason it is in the northwest and quickly crawls along the north and not south side of the horizon and from east to west and vice versa, from west to east! A few minutes ago, a train, where we came from such a distance, winked goodbye to the last red light of the car and went further north to the Arctic Circle. We were 14 people. Piled on the platform 14 and 7 backpacks prohibitive packages with our collapsible kayaks "Taimen-2." Two and a half days we were traveling from Chisinau to raft on the river Karelian Vonge, pass on it for almost 200 kilometers, three dozen rapids to overcome, and the two thresholds, which are considered impassable, to enclose. In general, water is the standard tourist trip II-nd grade. So the standard that this same train unload three groups, ready to make the same journey. Prior to the lake shore, where we are going to "be on the water," the well-trodden path of 300 meters - 400, but under a 40-pound rucksack and a half kayak package that weighs no less than 20 pounds, this road seems endless. At the lake we are waiting for a surprise - the people there, as well the fair. Good three dozen teams from all over the European USSR are prepared to travel. Some cooks food on a fire, someone collects kayaks, someone set up the tent and went to bed (two in the morning too!), And someone sings a song with a guitar. We briefly discussed it and decided that on the banks of us sleep peacefully fails, properly pack the gear and food in such a crush germoupakovki not work, and therefore, it is necessary to quickly build canoes, somehow managed to load food and stuff, and go to one of the 144 Islands, which is rich in Ang-Lake, and already there quietly prepare breakfast, relax, sleep, after a sleepless night, distribute and package products, repack personal belongings and equipment. At one kilometer from the coast could see some kind of island is quite large, with a sandy beach on the north side and dense spruce forest. What is the kilometer for kayaks? Twenty minutes later we landed on the sand at the northern part of the island, and after another half hour in the clearing of 50 meters from the shore stood a tent, a fire was burning, boil the water in buckets, whether on duty prepared a late dinner, or early breakfast. And then I grabbed a spinning rod, a box of spoons and ran to the shore. For me, hastened to the entire group, except for the duty, to see how this fish will be caught with a hefty piece of iron on the tee so even without the worm or at least the bread on it. You've got to make a small digression.

In sports there is always a tourist group leader hike (we have the head of a girl), assistant manager, who is responsible for all the products of the menus and commands the process of cooking (I was elected as assistant warden), the physician who completes a first aid kit, keeps stock of alcohol, monitors the health of participants and is struggling with calluses on their hands, one to two repairman who carry a set of tools, rubber, adhesive, all kinds of tubes, screws, rivets, and are engaged in repair of damaged vessels. And since the trip was done in Karelia, where, as everyone knows, is very, very many fish, the head of the campaign decided that we should take a fishing tackle to catch that same fish and then eat it by the fire. A week before departure, we will once again come together to discuss and resolve past issues. The head (and I wonder stressed that we have a campaign manager was a woman), is asked sternly:

- Who is fishing tackle?
Tackles were just me.
- What kind of gear you need to take? Rods fit? I have two rods.
- Perhaps the suit - said our leader. - It is better to take the stick (and it is said - "stick"), trinkets with this (she showed the ring finger) and stick to that necessary to bind the spool with thread. Thread attached to this special piece of iron, and thrown into the water. Then twist the coil is wound on a drum thread, piece of iron pulled to the shore and fish lacking this piece of iron. Here, the coil and thread, I have (it showed the inertial reel "Neva" on the drum which was really wound Nylon thread). I just do not know what to skewer on a hook.
- What is that, spinning, or what? - I asked.
- That's it, seems to be spinning - glad our leader. - A piece of iron you have?
- I have a few spinners. And you can buy. And I'll take my reel.
- All agreed, will be our fisherman! - Strictly said the manager. - Do not forget to buy a couple of rigs and be sure to take with electrical tape to attach the coil was something to stick.

I was spinning the "Leningrad" - duralumin tube with a blue plastic handle with a reel, which was inserted the tip of the thick fiberglass, probably with a pencil. Test of the rods started, I think, with 40 grams and ended with the 150th, and perhaps Pobol. And the coil was "Dolphin-M". I wrapped it Klin 0.25 mm fishing line, took a box of decks, among whom were the "Baikal" and "Trofimovsky" and kolebalkami "Norwich", "Pakhra", "Shtorling", folded into a canvas bag two bamboo dvuhkolenki - on This my cooking and over.

1 - Baubles "Baikal", 2 - Baubles "Trofimovsky", 3, and 4 - unnamed spinners who have been in that journey. Kolebalka regularly worked on the pike.

The most interesting thing happened on the train, somewhere on the second day's journey. The train braked sharply either, or much out of his pocket and jerked my backpack from the top shelf had the box with spinners. Ba-boom on the floor! My baits were scattered throughout the compartment, where just met a group of either lunch, or eased jokes. The children quickly picked up the spoon, but do not lay them in a box, and began to carefully examine it.
- Hey, why are such large hooks? Are they just caught a big fish?
- Why a triple hook? That to him, caught three fish at once?
I tried to tell them how to fish with spinning, although he much experience in the spinning did not. I'm not lazy, took the rod and reel attached to it and showed how zabra-cribe trolling and how it plays, and the predator takes her for running away and grabs the fish. But I do not believe it.
- What did the fish such a fool to miss the piece of iron with hefty hooks?
And even more I could not believe when they learned that the tee is not skewer or a worm, or beetle, or even a piece of bread. The head of me at first tried to somehow maintain, but when I saw my bezinertsionnuyu coil, then it snikla. I think that before she saw only the coil of the "Neva".
- Ha-ha, the fish will eat a piece of iron with bare hooks! Look for fools!

And the group, all 12 people plus a manager who joined them, almost daily, in every way "wax" of his caretaker, and, in combination, the fisherman. And telling jokes about fishing, and poems composed and sang a couple songs, and teasing, and teasing, and teasing ... Sharp tongue, have been friends of mine, hard, they got me ...

And now ... I grabbed his "Leningrad" and ran to rehabilitate themselves. Coast is rocky, steep, covered with hefty boulders. Of course, my friends and comrades, free watch, gathered behind me, and together, and I must say, rather sarcastically, commented on my every move. I tied the "Baikal", found among the boulders at the water's edge, more or less flat stone, and, though he staggered and swayed with each of my motion, made the first cast. Spoon flew 20 meters. Slow Posting - zero. Another cast, second, third - zero. Change lures to "Trofimovsky." Zero, zero, zero ... The lure flies to 22-23 feet, very good start, is tight, uporisto, petal spinning wildly - trolling is clearly seen in 7-8 feet in the clear water the color of weak tea. A few meters behind him in every way my friends practiced their wits about fish, fishing in general, and his caretaker in particular. I have no time quarrel with them, I try not to pay attention to these land rats, but until I hear the laughter, and I understand that if you do not catch fish, it is best to tie myself a stone around his neck - and jump into the water ...

Finally, from the fire smelled something indescribably delicious, loud cries of duty, and a log knocking on an empty bucket began to call us for a meal. My "wit" as the wind blew - almost three days of eating canned food, but here both the first and the second, and cocoa condensed milk as you want ... Still, they had a good steward, though they did so "paraffins." I go to the fire did not feel like I was well aware of what awaits me there. "Threw for 10 more minutes - I decided - by the time they will eat both the first and second and pass away to the cocoa. A wicked man only when he is hungry. Well-fed soon becomes good."

A couple more casts - zero. All you have to go. Waving his "Leningrad" - and then swung the stone beneath me, the foot slipped into the water and lure flew away to the right, almost parallel to the shore. As long as I climbed back into the stone, until it caught the balance point, spoon fell to the bottom. And then the sea of ​​stones. Quickly do a couple of turns the coil. Hitch? No, like the unhooked. 2-3 meters back toe. Vershinki raise up, pull rod - like bait budged and went, but it is as if I drag a load. Very quickly steeper coil and suddenly feel that this "something" which I took to be a branch or a small snag, suddenly went first in one direction, then another. And at 7-8 meters away from the shore almost see the pike! Pike! I see that tee caught her upper jaw, and petal "Trofimovsky" continues to rotate it in front of the muzzle. Again, the foot slips off the rock, followed by another, but I still steeper and steeper coil, and my first pike in his life, not really opposing, close to my flat stone. And then I catch her eye. You know, still shivers down my spine. Pike's eyes seemed to me (and maybe those were) a blood-red. And how much was in them a cold fury, fierce anger and hatred! Just tore the creeps. A lot of pike-fishing in the campaign, and after there were also other predators, but such anger, such hatred, such cold fury not seen anywhere else ever. Pound pike calmly gave himself "insolently" get right on the beach, not struggling, not fluttered when I pulled out of her mouth tee. All of which there is more fishing! I was beside myself with happiness. Grab a pike in one hand and hide it behind his back, spinning take in another - and trotted to the fire.
     Friends and comrades have indeed skhomyachili nourishing soup, porridge streskali double standard corned beef and happy, sat with his liter mugs of hot cocoa by the fire on the logs. But I noticed they were twenty feet. No, they are kinder, even after a good dinner, jokes, podkolochki addressed to me fell like a horn of plenty. I made a sad face, dropped his head and slowly walked to the fire, still hiding his hand behind his back with a pike. All 12 people had joined him, and the head, five minutes excelled in wit caretaker about the campaign, which has decided to feed a group of fish, but for some reason thinks that the fish are so stupid that it would be caught on any piece of iron with hefty hooks, and without any- or nozzle. When they got tired a little bit, I decided that my hour had come, and abruptly threw out his hand while holding a pike in it. If at this moment the earth opened beneath his feet would be, or they would have seen in the waters of Loch Ness monster, I swear, their eyes would be opened so wide and jaw dropped because it had not, as at the sight of this, in general, quite ordinary, hair grass. A few minutes a deathly silence. I approached everyone and, in Chekhov, "eynoy snout poked him in his ugly face." Everyone walked around .. Each poked .. For I was hungry, and therefore evil. But to their credit, came to their senses quickly. They first, until I ate soup, happily jumped on the poor pickerel, squeezed, groped, peered into the mouth, the girls even began to stroke her head, and pity, the poor thing. Then again took up the caretaker. Like, can not be that the fish caught without some piece of iron heads. They were all on the beach and saw, as I whipped before their eyes water and caught nothing. Apparently, when they left, I was pinned to the hook of some worm or bug, and compelled the poor fish.

- No, I - excuse me, choking porridge stew with a double standard - I do not have any bugs, worms. Trolling, I caught it! On the b-l-e-s-n-y! Here on this! Here it is attached to the scaffold!
- It can not be! - Answered all 12 people had joined him, and the head of the campaign, - the fish is never so stupid to be caught on a bare piece of iron!

Cooks poured me a cup of cocoa and started cleaning buckets. The other fellow comrades began to dismantle personal belongings are clearly going to sleep well for 600 minutes per eye. Pike lay forlornly on a piece of the film near the fire. The head of the campaign decided to console her caretaker (after all, in a campaign assistant manager - right hand the head):

- Well, the whole lake was a stupid fish. We will assume that you caught it on his piece of iron. But you did go, anywhere dug worms, and that the only stupid fish you caught, and the other fools to bite on a bare piece of iron, on the route may not be.

What should I do? Friends and comrades clearly despised me for lying, even the head, which is usually a mountain behind his caretaker, does not believe him. One of the attendants began to clean the pike, and I took a spinning rod and walked back to the water. Here is my space, so "my" stone, which I slipped into the water twice, that's between the two boulders on the beach, I pulled my first pike in the life ... And as she looked at me! Br-rr! Horror! Again unfold spinning, casting, wiring - and nothing! Behind him suddenly:

- Ha-ha-ha! Also, the angler turn up!

The whole team at full strength, even the chef on duty, who were at this time to wash pots and clean the fish, even the manager, came quietly to the shore and wait for my first cast, gave vent to his wit. I was throwing, throwing, and they "paraffin" "paraffin" .. And do not leave them somewhere to the side, the shore rocky, steep, littered with stones.

Finally, they got tired. Yes, and had an almost sleepless night and a very busy lunch. Yawning and stretching, they became one away from the shore to their tents, and I continued to lash the water, changing kolebalki on the turntables, holding it fast, then slow, then the top layer, then vpolvody - at the bottom of the conduct was afraid, because fear is hooks - there is still 12 days of the campaign, and I have a total of 10 lures. North wind suddenly strengthened, on the lake immediately boiled steep wave. And 22-23 meters in front of him, I saw a huge pitfall. While the wind was weak, it was not visible, but when the wave is cleared, its upper part was then to appear for a moment, then again, hiding under the next wave. The perfect place to stop a predator!

This I know, but the problem was that I did not throw to 5 meters of the stone my bait, and additional cargo, I was not. "That would put the bait so that it fell to 2-3 meters further and 20-30 centimeters to the left or right of the stone". - I thought. But undershoot followed short. Charter waving his "Leningrad", I decided to change tactics. First of all, you need to take the heaviest lures. Having estimated the palm of your bait, I decided that the worst is kolebalka "Shtorling." Scored a couple of times. Yes, it flies a little further, but still lacks 2-3 meters. Well, was not, it is still wet his pants to his knees and shoes squelching. Vodicka degrees 12, I think, stand for 10 minutes. And bravely jumped into the water. Chilly, but tolerable. He passed a couple of meters ahead, throw - undershoot. Another cast - like flew fine, but went to the right by 2 meters. Another cast - went to the left than the right. And so it went: that undershoot, then right, then left. 15 minutes completely stiff. All, I'm going! .. Then spoon fell exactly where I wanted. He gave her a little deeper, a pair of coil turns - and a powerful jerk, even through the "Leningrad" felt a blow! Trolling someone desperately fluttering, mechas from side to side, the line was cutting the water with a swish, clutch screamed twice. What kind of beast is sitting on the hook if the resistance pound pike is not nothing compared to what creates my new prey? Pyachus ago, cling to a rock and falling into the water to your selected flat rock. The coil is not steeper, invisible big fish raging somewhere in the 20 meters from me, trying to pull the rod out of the hands. Finally, the extraction of tired. I made a couple of turns the coil - like yield. Just a couple of turns - goes, though rushed to the side. A few more turns - see, goes to the bank without the old swagger. In the water, something flashed coal black with red spots, but I can not examine their prey beneath me reeling rock solid around the boulders and I have nothing to catch it, I do not even have nets for catching butterflies. Oh, was not, I spend fishing line between two boulders and dragged the fish to shore, just as it pulled in front of a pike. I can not believe - on the rocks is a hefty bass!