Catch a fishing rod as a convenient shore and from boats in almost any waters for the duration of open water.
Bites from carp are different. It can rapidly pull the nozzle, so that the float will go quickly to the side (and there should be time to do sweeps), and can play with the bait, so that the float will be a bit jumpy, floating on the water light circles. Sometimes carp simply puts the float and then slowly, as if reluctantly, pulled him aside. In this case, it is important to choose the right time for sweeps. When cut or delayed hooking carp often goes off the hook, breaking the weak lips. Remove carp from the water must also carefully, gently bring it up to the shore or boat.
Sensitive float - the basis for success. Many picked up for a sports fishing Karasin floats.
The division of the floats in the amateur and sporting a very conventional, but the differences do exist. The simplest amateur float is shown in Figure 1a. This float is attached to a fishing line in one place, and if the shipment does not touch the bottom, it is in the 75-90% submerged in water. When the nozzle utyagivanii float goes under the water in proportion to the force on the fish. Likewise, crucian carp, rising from the nozzle up, lifts and sinker, causing the float to go in the water. Trigger fish should be commensurate with the weight of the load and surface part of the float.
It is easy to calculate that the length of the float of 100 mm and a thickness of 8 mm fish effort will be equal to about 1.4, the It turns out that a small piece of dough and weighs almost nothing will have a fish bloodworm resistance several times greater than their own weight . Most likely, the fish will throw the nozzle.
In Fig. A. Fixing float a - amateur b - Sports
In Fig. Two. Variants of equipment for fishing in open water without a flow with a slow immersion nozzle
In Fig. Three. Moving equipment for different fishing conditions
Another matter - sports float (Fig. 2b), which is recorded in two places. Its surface part - a thin pin or antenna. The volume and weight of the float is very small, and the buoyancy of close to zero, which greatly facilitates the retraction of his fish. Loads are distributed as follows: large - at a distance of 50-60 cm from the hook, a small - "shepherd boy", right at the beginning of the leash. The main load balances the thickest part of the float, "shepherd boy" - a thin, dotaplivaya float to the antenna. In a biting "to lift" the float stays, and a little pop up, as in the work here involved only a "shepherd boy". If the float is moving sports or delay, it is possible to achieve different nozzle movement from shocks and accelerations up to fading.
Sports float with the correct application of the force remains in the upright position and allows you to control gear, which would cap may be; vertical orientation is very important to maintain sensitivity.
Often, starting from the middle of summer, even a bite of a large carp have become very cautious, and in this case without a float with the sport is slowly sinking ogruzkoy snap to do simply is not possible (Fig. 2).
As a rule, on the river carp bite sharper and more decisive than in the lake or pond. Sometimes a failed cast either float or tip can cling to the reeds or grass, so it's best to use the "rolling" float (Fig. 3). Equipped with a float rod so easy: just slide the fishing line in the metal eyelets float, as above, at a distance of depth of the water, set the stopper to the bead. Float choose narrow, with a long bright-orange antenkoy. Vershinki with proper adjustment of very few acts of the water. Priplyasyvanie float, or a slight squat to say that the fish came to the nozzle.
The choice of rod. Karasyatnik not always enjoyed a fishing rod and reel. Bologna gear allows you to quickly increase or decrease the length of the line, but it turns out to be superfluous, since the summer carp can easily pull up to shore bait. Very well balanced with a deaf makhovaya Rod rigging is easy to handle, even with solid specimens. In addition, the coil is completely unnecessary if you catch a koryazhnike or other "hard" places. Normal makhovaya rod can cast more accurately and make correct nozzle cutting. Makhovaia rod, moreover, the most easy. Some fishing for carp in the "hard" places prefer a more powerful rods made of fiberglass, which is cheaper and does not require very careful handling. Rods longer than 5 m better to take the carbon fiber, they are much easier.
When casting nozzle in remote, inaccessible windows indispensable plug-long rods of carbon fiber with a short fishing line.
After fishing rod should be any dry, free of dirt or sand, otherwise it may jam the one or the other knee. It should be noted that the electrically conductive carbon fiber, so the rod of this material is dangerous to use near power lines during a lightning storm. For catching small carp rod fits easily poluporabolicheskogo system, and for a major need to take the rod harder.
Selecting a location for line fishing. Unknown body of water, above all, should be examined: watch the game fish (sometimes carp, jumping out of the water finds its habitat), zakoryazhennye search space with a depth of 0.5-1.5 m, as well as windows in the most overgrown part of it. Sometimes, crucian carp kept in the reeds, neighborhood or intermittent with other algae (in this case he does not like very dense reeds). The presence of carp in the rushes can be found on the trembling stalks. In such cramped conditions are usually caught at the bait rig with a hollow, and the length of fishing line should be one third less than the length of the rod. Reed in the preparation of site rips from the root to the hook does not cling. To catch big carp gently place prepared beforehand, and it is better to find a "window" of natural origin that are protected from falling from direct sunlight. In most cases, the depth of fishing in the reeds of 0.5-1.5 m
In forest and open areas of lakes, often with mirrors of water, placed among the driftwood and seaweed. To select a suitable location for fishing are necessary, without disturbing the natural arrangement of vegetation, and swim, or wander to it very carefully so as not to scare the fish. To place the selected swim the length of the rod (do not expand the "window" and break off branches of driftwood, even if they interfere.) Quietly anchored boat, measure the depth, giving the tackle and running, and gently lowered into the "window" mormyshku or hook. Fishing line is released before the end of the float rod for 50-60 cm, to make it easier and faster to do cutting.
If the selected "window" of bites is not observed, we should try to move to another "window" in active seek modes. Equipped with a sliding float rod and a hook, then throw gear will be more accurate, but with an extra hook the leash does not get caught in the worst possible time for the grass or snag.
Sometimes a goldfish for a long time does not manifest itself, then in the "window" should be lowered trough, using a separate gear float with the powerful. Instead of a hook - a small mesh in it - a mixture of cake and other components that can be washed away with shaking and distribute the scent. In remote places, to bring the fish on a particular tier of fishing, regulate the rental of depth. When the fish starts to play with the trough, it is possible to cast the main gear. I call this way of fishing, "twin". In some places without it just will not do.
You can lure carp on a "vzmutit water." Carp, especially living near the cow's fords, attracts a cloud of haze, raised from the bottom.
Often zakoryazhennyh and overgrown places a large carp can live half a meter from the surface, in the branches of a submerged bush or under a snag. The main thing is to find a suitable 'window'. The matter is serious. To determine the size of the beginning of the "window" (the best option - 50-60 cm in diameter), then check the bottom, down a bare hook 3-4 times. If the hooks do not - hence, the "window" is perfectly acceptable for fishing.
In some bodies of water can often be found floating peat islands, overgrown with grass. In such places, carp feed in the upper layer of water and it is easily seen from shore or from boats. In these islands, too, can find a "window". When fishing in the "box" gear is lowered is strictly top-down, throw excluded. When hooking and pulling out a biting fish as vertically. In order to avoid snags the line with the maximum shorten - to the depth of the window plus the 5-10 cm from the end of the float rod.
Floats for fishing in the "windows" can be replaced by long, soft side with a nod to the "ball" of bright color on the end. Mormyshkas nod under the weight should be slightly bend, in the case of windy weather shortened plate nod that it was harder. You can also use a cylindrical or spherical float with a soft spring with a nod to winter fishing.
If, however you decide to catch on a tandem mormyshkas and float, then here is suitable spindle foam float, which shall be immersed for about half the length or slightly less. With proper selection of mormyshkas and the latter will float slightly tilted. Then you can play, slightly shaking the top rod and thereby setting the mormyshkas original trajectory.
Mormyshka can be any, but not too big. Because of the potential breaks and hooks with the potential loss, it is better to choose simple and cheap mormyshkas black or dark brown.
Catch the need to quietly and gently. When fishing is not in "windows" cast do a little further tame the place, and gently pull it to the nozzle. If the carp is in koryazhnike, it is best to replace the hook and sinker for mormyshku, which will reduce the number of hooks.
Many reservoirs are very common grassy shallows with a depth of no more than half a meter, which likes to fatten carp. Usually they catch carp in places with a float without a weight. Enough to hook when casting nozzle fell freely, which resembles natural carp falling nozzle, because the fish are always in the first response to the particles that rise from the bottom, or sinking to it.
There are fans who like to catch carp on the tip gently dipping, having to do only a sensitive rod, fishing line and hook. It is important that the bottom of the pond was slightly silted, or fallen nozzle fish will be hard to find. Bite is determined by fluctuations in contrasting colored twine.
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