If you add together the total number of data instances of baits issued by companies - manufacturers and craftsmen, were made more or less good copies of branded lures, then perhaps it will be greater than the number of all other spiningovyh lures combined. An exception can only serve the diverse world of crankbaits. All of these baits spiningovye one thing - simplicity and reliability of the design on the one hand and flexibility and catchability on the other. Among these lures are available as rotary or oscillating, a native Russian and foreign ... On each of them individually could write a whole book, but we now confine ourselves to a small survey. We are offering spinners: "Baikal", "Ural", "Shtorlek", "Toby", "Aglia", "Black Fury" and "Kastmaster".
"Baikal" can rightly be called one of the most enduring domestic spinners. There are reports that in 1905 on this lure fished with success in Russia. The spinner is a spinner with a characteristic petal directly planted in the ground wire. At the top of the lobe is sometimes done an edge that improves the game spinner. There were many variations of the spinners, mainly due to the shape and size of the petal. So in the book known domestic spiningista MN St. Nicholas, published in 1949 contained more than 10 different variants of the spinners. As a rule, well-polished petals, and had the natural colors of silver, brass or copper. When casting often used with an additional load, positioned before the spoon. Some specimens have the goods, located between the bearing lobe and tee. Domestic industry, this continues to lure released today, albeit in not such a large scale. At this lure caught in local waters perch, pike and other predatory fish.
"Ural" - a well-known domestic spiningistam and well-proven spoons. Known for decades. The shape of a long S-shaped spoon with the original form of the body in the form of diamond-shaped plates. Makes them natural or nickel plated brass in the form of an elongated rhombic plate with a double curve, which is more in the head. In cross section the body spinner has a triangular profile. In the original version was equipped with a hook attached to the tail so that its tip was directed toward the bump. The spinner was moving in the wiring hook up, swaying along the longitudinal axis, resulting in very rare clinging seaweed and driftwood. In later versions of the factory was amended to the debased quality of working spinners. Spinner was reshaped into a symmetric trapezoidal with one point of inflection, and began to be applied is attached by means of winding ring tee. In a game spinner is slightly affected, but to cling to a spoon was for all, by which it passed. Recently, some works have tried to resurrect the original look of spinners, but it continues to produce prezhdnemu fitted tee ... This lure is good for catching walleye and Shuki, mainly in the rivers.
"Shtorlek" - she of the vibrating lures, which became widespread throughout the world and familiar spiningistam older generation. Is a slightly elongated S-shaped spoon. The front part of the spoon is narrower than the rear. It is used mainly for pike in ponds with no flow or weak flow. When posting commits both vibrational motion and throws little from side to side. On the outer surface of the spoon is often applied to the pattern in the form of scales. Sometimes there is a more complicated coloring with a large "eye" in the front. Released under different names and still produced by many manufacturers of lures. Spinner is a good example - long-liver.
"Toby" - considered one of the best spinners in the universal world. Designed by "ABU" and produced more than a decade. The shape of the spoon is a elongated S-shaped oscillating spinner. A distinctive feature is the presence of two spinners fins located at the back of the spoon. Is successfully used for catching salmon and other valuable fish. On "Toby" You can catch all the waters in any weather. Jig is simple to use and allows you to record casts. Plays well with both slow and fast when posting. "Toby" not only looks like a fish, she swims like a fish. Produced in the following combinations of weight / length (g / mm): 4/45 7/60 10/60 12/75 18/90 20/75 28/90 30/110. During the existence of pirated copies of this spoon were produced by different companies under different names.
In October 1998 the world famous company "Mepps" will celebrate its sixtieth anniversary. Since that time, anglers in Europe and Asia, America and Australia have purchased more than 350 million revolving spinners with a well-known inscription on the petal, which guarantees the reliability and perfect games.
One of the lures, developed and produced to date is a jig called "Aglia". The design of this spoon has long been a "classic" for the lures of this type, and she gave birth to lure a whole family of spinners: "Aglia Long", "Dressed Aglia", "Aglia TV", etc. It's safe to say that this or that technical solutions of the spinners in the present mandatory in any spinner firm "Mepps", and indeed in any modern spinners.
Let us consider in more detail the design of the spinner. Qualitatively, stamped petal hanging with a special bow. To reduce friction bow rests on the bearing, machined from brass. To prevent sticking in the design of petal spinner introduced a special reflective cone. Body baits, usually performed in a circular or hexagonal brass rod has a transverse groove, painted in red or black. On the lighter jig body has the shape of a few beads, the latter has a red or orange. In addition to classic colors for silver, brass or copper petals are often painted in other colors or have a specific figure. Tee often had feathers of red or another color. Some specimens were fitted with a tee instead of the single hook that is not in any way reduced the quality of the game spinner.
The design of the spinner was so successful, and she is so spoon catchability, that throughout the world except the true "Mepps"-s produced many more like outright fraud, as well as skilful copies of great originals.
"Black Fury"
"Blak Fury" - one of the most famous "brand" spinning lures from "Mepps". It has a traditional spinners for the construction of this company: rotary lobe, planted with the help of a metal arch wire, the presence of brass bearings, cones, reflectors, etc.
The main "highlight" of the spoon is the coloring of its petals. It is black or dark brown with some red or yellow spots. The spinner is designed primarily for bass fishing and it is rightly considered one of the best perch lures. It is caused by the fact that among the variety of living organisms, such as all kinds of larvae, which make up the diet of perch - most have a dark color. The form of the petal spinner gives it a good game at different speeds, wiring, and the presence of a reflective cone design virtually eliminates the "sticky" lobe, which is characteristic for most spinning lures.
"Kastmaster" - a world famous spoons, developed and manufactured by the company "Acme". Due to its structural simplicity, versatility and good performance catchability gained widespread popularity among spiningistov and around the world.
Looks very simple, this lure is made however with high accuracy and the whole secret of the spoon enclosed in compliance with the angles and the thickness of the production. "Kastmaster" well-balanced, that is equally good for any wiring. Lazily swaying at the very bottom, it will attract perch and flying wildly at the surface, sometimes leaping from the water, will tempt finicky asp. Available in weights 7 g, '11, '14, and 21 g.
There are several varieties of the spinners. They differ in the location of the planes saw cut. The most common variants in which these planes are parallel, but there are options where these planes have a different angle. In the cross-section of the body has a wedge shape spinner with a displaced center of gravity back.
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