a curious anglers are always suspected, that does not catch all the fish that comes in their way.
Only a small part of it. This is especially true perch. It has been observed when the bait
goes in the water uniformly perches often does not respond to it.
Conversely, if the bait does accelerate or change direction, perches
animated and often grab the bait.
Professional angler trollingist Mark Martin in the process of using fishing underwater camera, confirmed these suspicions.
His vision system was designed so that the camera is located on sinkere, was just before the bait. Mark told me that sometimes he was just amazed at how many pike minnow ignored him. Mark is not alone in his enthusiasm. In recent years, many fishermen have started to use a miniature underwater cameras, attaching them to his fishing line. This made it possible to monitor the behavior of not only the bait, but the reaction of fish. Many anglers are using the knowledge, trying to rouse a passive fish, choose the most effective bait.
In our opinion lure innocent. The concept of trolling is wrong with a constant speed and straight trajectory. Invented by us "turbo trolling" We practiced for many years, but most of the fishermen with scorn to the new concepts and do not do anything to catch a passive predator.
General recommendations for the turbo trolling are:
From time to time at the end of the straight section, reset the speed dramatically or even switch to neutral. Lures will stop and slow to emerge. This unexpected behavior of their often pushes for walleye bite.
With a sharp turn always add gas. This will straighten the ropes at the stern, and will save the bait from tangling. But not only. Captured perches often grab the bait at the time of acceleration.
Trolling with great excitement when the boat is difficult climbs on the wave, then quickly sliding off her very revealing. The uneven movement of the bait causes the perch to respond more actively. Bites a lot more, but misses not too little.
Seeing the oncoming boat moving on intersecting courses, do not stop, do not wait. It is better to increase the rate of 3 to 8 km / h As soon as the rod bends because of the increased resistance of a wobbler, wait for the blow. Very often lacking pike lure, which suddenly began to rapidly "run" at high speed.
If you watched the small fish in the water, it is clear notice that they do not swim straight as wobblers. It is rare to see a young fish, which moves in a straight line by more than a few seconds. He always pauses, changes its direction of motion. Small benthic fish behave like they are scurrying around, poked in the bottom, climb up, hang up and re-start to fuss. Pelagic fish such as roach, smelt, herring gather in large flocks, and, although nothing prevents them to move freely in the water column, their movement and are random in nature. The whole flock can move at the same time very smoothly.
In the summer, even a fast trolling speed 5-8 km / h are not enthusiastic about a perch while you are not radically increase the speed or change direction. You can do this at a time. High-speed lures is not a problem for the walleye, which pursues the prey most often at speeds up to 20 km / h
Often you can hear the thought that the boat is an important part of fishing - namely, part of the presentation of the bait. In trolling the boat is in a sense, part of the tackle. It affects the speed of the lure. The mistake will just stick a rod in the holder and calm down. However, exactly what do most anglers.
Of course, the depth control - the number one factor in trolling. But choosing the right bait - that's not all. Do not neglect the radical changes in trajectory and speed boats. Short and intense speed - that's the key to success in open water. Even in the worst Cleve, always be good to catch a couple of perch. Otherwise, you can do to stay without a catch. Most often, the uneven movement brings not only more fish, but the biggest fish!
Trolling perch in large lakes and reservoirs - is a constant wiring bait in the area of the cluster of small forage fish, where it perches lie in wait. Given the fact that you can easily keep track of these schools on the sonar, you usually know when the bait is in the desired zone. In smaller parts of the reservoir, the best point in the immediate vicinity of the bottom near the hole, or vice versa - on an underwater hill. Perches, and other predators are probably moving from one point to stop at the time when they detect accumulation of food.
Because each fishing is trolling a few kilometers, remember on your GPS coordinates of where the bite occurred. Over time, these discrete points in the aggregate clearly indicate to you "killer sites" on the open water. Information on these sites very helpful.
As we approach the point, add the gas and make a sharp enough, say 60 degrees, turn. You can also try to do it at the end of the site. Changes in speed and direction of the boat causes the perch to jump on the lure. However, if you have two wobbler, will accelerate the external, internal - slow down. As soon as the cords of both wobblers straight, astern, spin the tiller in the opposite direction, trying to lie down on the old course and turn neutral. Slowly the boat starts to turn. As soon as the bow of the boat will point in the right direction, sharply turn the work gear and immediately dial the speed of at least 5 km / h, better than 6 or 8. Maintain this rate for another three chereh seconds, then slowly return to the original speed trolling.
This sequence of trolling is the most effective tool I have ever used to catch walleye in warm water. Of course, there are many variants of this basic maneuver. Regardless of this, use the turbo trolling wise, the more vacation baits, the longer should be areas of accelerated motion. Use noisy lures - crankbaits, or spinners with balls with the individual rattles. This often works, especially if you're already far away from the point, and walleye bite never came.
Rounding circuits:
Another good trolling method. It applies if you are having a couple of crankbaits behind and moving with the wind, like catching jagged edge of the hill.
The most destructive point in this case - raspadok, acute depression. But how effectively sampled this place?
Professional trollingist - sudachatnik Doc Samson
"When Harvesting is narrow, local points with sharp corners, the majority of fishermen make a smooth maneuvers, trying to maintain a constant tension of the string. In this case, wobblers never reach the goal - a crack where the lurking perches. Boat pulls the bait too far away from the gully, just perches do not have time to react. "
Instead raspadok skirt, Doc has a boat along the gully. His lures are back with 40 meters. This ensures that the bait will pass exactly through the key space.
"Use the cards such as echo sounders Lowrance LCX-113S. On it is very easy to navigate and follow any relief at the bottom of most lakes. At any time I can make adjustments to the trajectory of the boat as soon as I see something interesting."
The main task - to get the bait to follow the contour of the gully. The next step after turning - giving bait the right speed.
Once the lure reaches the slaughter area, dramatically increase the speed to 3-6 km / h After a few seconds, depending on the angle of rotation, your boat will pop up on a small plot. Immediately turn the nose of the boat back to the edge of the gully and turn neutral. Maps plotter to help you accomplish this maneuver, because you see the boat is positioned relative to the gully. If done correctly, your bait at this time will be slow to emerge and fluctuate within the gully. Very good idea - stop here for a few seconds.
Then, immediately switch on the transmission and increase the speed to 5 km / h or higher. At this point, and usually occur walleye bite. Keep on trolling at this speed for a few seconds, then go to normal trolling. Keep a constant speed until you reach the next area. Repeat the maneuver.
Between the points, try to keep at a depth of about eyebrows. Probability of finding the big fish here is very high.
"If I catch a few perch in a row at one point, I stop the search for fish. I quickly exhausting wobblers, unfold the boat and start trolling against the wind. I often find that way to small, local spots, which seem better suited for fishing jig. But I am convinced that perches only respond to non-uniform motion of crankbaits. Review Site baits and jig posting any interest they have no cause. "
Turbo Gear
Any lures - crankbaits, kolebalki turntables or require the use of non-stretchable braided fishing line. All changes must be sent directly to the speed bait. In this respect, a very good Berkley FireLine 10 lb. or Power Pro 15 lb. At the end, I often use the 1.5-2 meter lead from a 10-pound mono Trilene XT. This is a protective measure for vyvazhivanii fish, which, however, does not affect the dynamics of the wiring.
The constant change in speed boats and inextensible braided monofilament dictate the use of a stronger rod than is typical for trolling. Shimano Talora TLA80MRG length of 2.4 meters is ideal for this type of fishing.
Most of the strong, trolling rods of glass are of little use because of its softness. They are damp sharp acceleration so that the effect of the turbo trolling disappears. Rod should be rather soft, just to pay off a sharp blow to the predator. Slow down the dynamics of movement wobblers it should not.
Gliders are also an important tool for trolling. Their use in the strong wave is very effective. Apparently, this happens because airframe, slowly climbing to the crest of a wave and quickly slipping from it, giving additional impetus to the bait. Wobblers repeats all the movement of the glider, and sometimes even moving in the opposite direction. Such irrational movements can not leave indifferent perch.
Rapala lures for trolling MagnumVse need to check in advance. A good test is to work on the wobbler speed of 8-10 km / h If the lure goes to the right or left, or even jump out of the water, it must be configured so that it went straight. If not, we should get rid of it.
Durability - an important feature, because perch have enough lures at high speeds is very strong. My favorite lures - Rapala Magnum model, CD14 and CD18 with metal blades. I especially like the rocking Magnum'a during pauses and sudden dive into the depths at the time of acceleration.
Three-inch composite LS MirrOLure - another good bait, which does not know most of the fishermen. Again, it is characterized by accurate adjustment and durability. In addition, a live game sostavnika - sometimes a big plus for trolling in warm water.
Mirrolure LSKlassicheskie Rapala Shad Rap, Cotton Cordell Wally Diver and Rebel Spoonbill Minnow - also a good choice. Very nice Rapala Tail Dancer and a large Suick Cisco Kid.
I also use kolebalki, such as small Dreamweaver DW - spinners, who had recently been a hot topic in western Lake Erie. These lures work very well together with sinkerom Dipsy Diver at speeds up to 7 km / h
Finally, the spinners with a 15-centimeter silicon from Berkley worm works well at speeds up to 5 km / h Wide petals Indiana # 5 and narrow willowleaf # 7 - great for high speed trolling.
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