Global invasion of red spinning lures over. It left
its mark in the theory of fishing, and in the pockets of his most ardent supporters.
Red hooks, fishing lines, lures, jigs have found their niche in the market and in the hearts of
Fishers ...
"Today, we can not say that the red - is a hot trend," says Alan MakGakin. "Passion red lures are not passed in vain. Many anglers continue to believe in the benefits of red cords, lures, hooks, and even red. For example, a professional angler Greg Hackney believes in the red braid Cajun. He is said to embellish it with red marker, as soon as the native red coloring begins to disappear. "
Cajun Red braided line was created specifically based on the theory that the red color attracts fish. The old claim that the color red spectrum first disappears with increasing depth, has been criticized. Quoted in dispute scientific findings are often contradictory. One study shows that in the murky waters of the rods and cones in the eye of the fish are more sensitive to the red spectrum, for example, than to blue.
Another theory is that the absorption of certain spectrum strongly depends on water clarity. At depth, where the red is gone, we can not say that the red bait "disappear." This is incorrect. The red color is not lost. She changes into a gray. Is it good, is not entirely clear ...
Red Revolution in deystviiMarketing has its own logic. Observation of fish behavior - their own. Director of Marketing Stolings Daichi says: "Have you ever heard of a professional ring gear for catching sardines? This stainless steel chain connected to each other. In the center hangs a simple red ribbon. Sardines, trying to get to the tape, caught in these metal rings. So this is fishing tackle.
The first jig lure made Culprit firm in 1977. The second bait, which they did, the worm was red and black. Probably not just for fun?
My father was a fishing store in Orlando, where there was this red and black lure. We conducted a series of experiments with minnows in the pool. They all gathered around the red-black silicone worm, which we threw into the pool. We threw the bait into the water of other colors, but the minnows clearly preferred the color red.
We had an idea to use a red laser pointer and see if minnows will react to the red dot at the bottom of the pool. We were surprised by the fact that every time the minnows followed the red reflection.
With the perch the same picture. They first examined each time a red laser dot, harassed her and even tried to attack her. Perhaps that is why every time I catch walleye trolling, the leader in high wobbler lures is red. But I use three wobbler at a time. "
The red jig head Experiments Stallings helped convince Daichi wide release Red Hook in 2000. Red hook craze started ...
Soon, similar experiments with red hooks were made wherever possible. But people who cook in the fishing business, have different opinions about how and where it all began and whether the red is a universal color.
Objective indicators
Many baits can be sold fraudulently, but if they will not catch fish to sell, eventually, fall. Passion red lures may take place in some regions and to grow rapidly in others. Red Hook, and "bleeding" lure yet have a stable demand.
In shallow water, red means the blood. Bait symbolizes mining, which is injured and unable to run away from a predator. But all these conclusions are working in practice?
A couple of years ago, I fished with pro Chris Biksmom. We caught perch. He pulled them one by one. I just simply relaxing. We used the same bait Northland Back-Shot Rattle Spoon, but the hooks were bronze Chris, I - red. When I finally changed the hook on bronze, my catch began to approach the catch Chris. Here is the Red Hook!
Of course this is not a scientific fact, but I remember that lesson. I have had many similar experiences with the red hooks. They were all very helpful and proved to me that Red Hook is not a panacea.
Red Hook continues to sell like crazy to catch salmon and salmon. But as far as I know, the red hooks rarely work better than bronze.
George Large, executive vice president, Yo-Zuri America, recalls the appearance of red Mann's Jelly Worm as a significant phenomenon of the 1970s. He said: "I would say passion red lures began in the late 1980s or early 1990s. Think Texas Red Craw. With their red appearance of the bait began their rise. Perhaps they are not as popular and effective in the north, but with regard to my favorite pike, orange and red fluorescent lures have always been my favorites. "
Lawrence Taylor, Director of Public Relations PRADCO compared the effect of the introduction of red with the impact of the shot.
"We have reduced the number of red colors for some of our crankbaits. But not for everyone. My favorite color for the Xcalibur XR2 - toledo gold (red back, gold belly). We came up with this color specifically for the Toledo Bend and Sam Rayburn, as a regional pilot in color. But it became so popular that we have painted in this color a few lines of our crankbaits, dramatically increasing sales across the country. "
Toledo Gold - color, composed of three colors that are available in the color of this cancer. But why is it so effective? Perhaps the case in the figure, gold, rattle, vibration, red ...
Red wobbler
Are there any scientific evidence proving that the red hooks caught more fish? This rhetorical question is answered Lardzh George: "I would say - no. Red - this is the first color, which disappears with increasing depth. However, in marketing lures things differently. Here the red symbolizes the blood of the victim injury, etc."
So who is right? If the red disappears, what happens to the blood at depth?
The idea that the red color disappears first is only partly true. Back in the late 1930's Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hall photocells used in submarines to measure the penetration of red and blue light at different locations Atlantic. According to the results of these studies was published an unexpected report.
As it turned out, the red light penetrated in some places to a depth of 30 meters! Moreover, the smaller the depth it penetrated at all times. It was also found that differences in penetration depth between blue and red light does not remain constant. The report makes the following conclusion: as soon as water becomes more turbid, the differences in the penetration of blue and red light are reduced.
According to more recent studies for fresh water, the red light can actually penetrate deeper than the blue in a rather muddy water.
Light, as we understand it today, is a wave and a particle (photon) at a time. Each color corresponds to a certain range of wavelength. Red light has a higher frequency and therefore a longer wavelength. We can say that it goes in the water a long way, and his loss more. Blue, by contrast, is a smaller road and absorbed less. But the particles suspended in water, scatter more blue light. Apparently, the low-frequency "red" photons are better than round the particles suspended and dispersed them less. This explains why, in the muddy water is often a red light penetrates deeper blue.
In very clear water, bass and perch are rarely found at depths where the red light can not penetrate. In troubled waters - even more so.
All this means that science can only provide indicative data for the production of fishing lures. The reaction of fish to red color - it is rather a psychological factor.
How do fish react to the red blood? This question brings us back to the field of science in the field of psychology, which deals with thinking and behavior that can not be predicted with certainty. Psychology is not a strict science and its arguments are rarely built in the absolute.
So, we settled on the idea that the red color reminiscent of blood, stimulating the attack. However, the red has its limitations. Fully red lures are gradually disappearing from the shelves. From a marketing point of view, and probably, in terms of actual fishing, red in color nuance spinning bait is enough.
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