The logical chain of events should be the following: knowledge of the conditions of fishing on the lake, the choice of bait, spinning, reels, fishing line. With the first hardest. Well when the pond was previously surveyed, there is a fishing experience. Although it is often due to changing water levels, temperature, and seasonality (eg, early or late spring, autumn), a number of other factors, past experience is reduced to zero. The conclusion - we must be ready for anything. How does it achieve? Huge bags and bags of lures - spinning a heavy cross. One consolation is that poplavochnikam, they say, much harder, because they have more and fertilizing. Buy a suitcase with spinning lures that meets your personal claim is impossible, and not for anything. The contents of your "fishing vessel" the fruit of creativity, the case when the process is joy.
The lower reaches of the Volga excellent site for fishing, spinning. In this part of Russia there are a variety of fishing conditions and a large predator of its range.
Let's try together to make an optimal set of gear. In my opinion, there is virtually no fishing lures that do not work by definition. The only exception is "clear trash." Distinguish it possible for the cost of cheap and poor quality of the main elements - the hook. On the other hand there is no "super" baits. Stories about treasured spinners, wobblers, etc. usually based on lack of knowledge about the narrator, or other methods of fishing lures.
"Cherished" the lure is only when the conditions for fishing the bait coincide with the actual conditions of fishing on this lake in a given time.
Bait fishing for pike and perch
These two predators are almost always caught and the number of turns. Increasing or decreasing the size of bait you can adjust the frequency of bites. At large - pike, a smaller - perch. Traditional baits for these fish are spinner "turntables" and "kolebalki." I will not weary the reader with their description, the bait is well known. Let me just say the color and size of baits.
If you are a novice angler, buy a spoon with a very simple color, ie, chrome, brass or copper. In most cases, this color will be enough.
All other colors (yellow, blue, black, red and white, etc.) in the future, diversify your collection and will increase the efficiency of transactions. It is noticed that if a series of spinning shots became ineffective and the predator refuses to respond to your trolling, color change could lead to the desired result. In general, fish like variety no less than man.
On the big bait big fish are biting. Only in exceptional cases, it is not. Rather, that in periods of low activity or pike perch can ignore the big baits and lures only the smallest can arouse the interest of big fish. Conclusion: in the arsenal of fishing should be rotating and spoons of various sizes from 0 to 5. Each company makes its numbering sized lures. I do not want to bind specifically to a particular firm. I leave the choice is yours.
The above lures are a number of significant drawbacks. For example: "spinner" work only in the upper water layers. The depth of the posting, depending on the shape, weight and speed wiring reaches no more than 1 meter. "Kolebalki" of course, fall below, but in the deep waters of this is not enough.
In some cases, underwater vegetation is highly suited to the water surface to avoid snags and fishermen are forced to increase the speed of posting or catch on very light spinners. This is not always effective. A number of spinners present system "nezatseplyayki," but first, it does not always help, and secondly, these lures are often transformed into "nelovilki."
To the rescue in such cases may reach the surface lures, Popper, bases-baits, soft baits with the hook hidden in the body. Diligently trying to avoid the foreign terminology, but do not always succeed.
Exotic species or size crankbaits, alternates and database-Beit in no way should not deter anglers. Our fish are biting well on these lures, but to compare them with the real object of eating pike or perch, is impossible.
One thing is clear, that its appearance, noise or vibrations irritate a predator bait and provoke it to attack.
So what should they be?
Wobbler for fishing in shallow water should be floating, diving to a depth of not more than 1 meter.
These characteristics are indicated on the package or can be found in the catalog company produces. Directories tend to have a shop selling lures.
Popper and the base surface lures, baits - different color and size.
There are, however, another characteristic of these baits is the shape and size of the "dripping spout," and the size and location (front or rear), a rotating blade. This characteristic has to leave to the conscience of producers, except to say that she, too, can be varied.
The color scheme of baits is very wide. In the arsenal of spinning must be present which have become classic colors: red head, a tiger and natural coloring, as well as their various mixing. To start this enough.
Soft lure with a hook hidden in the body are well known. Here only the main characteristics. Weight of lead heads from 2 to 7 grams, color - yellow, green, white, red.
From all the above items remain unreached depth of more than 1 meter, and it is precisely there, home to the largest pike and perch. "Jig" and "trolling" - one of the most effective ways of fishing. However, these methods are no longer unique to the pike and perch. All other things being equal, the trophy could be the lucky angler catfish, perch, chub and even carp. This topic will be discussed later.
Feature of the pike is the need to use a metal leash. Practice shows that it is the leash - the weakest point in the tackle. Breaks and gatherings of fish due to a leash or peretershegosya rasstegnuvsheysya fastener business as usual. I recommend to give this matter their full attention. Leash with one hand should not be hard, it reduces the number of bites, the other is to keep the maximum load. Test bought a leash and buckle. Most likely, the manufacturer stated breaking load does not match reality. Hang up the load a second time, third. Fatigue of the metal, will be felt. Do not skimp on leashes. Their rupture leads to the loss of expensive bait.
Bait fishing for asp
In our arsenal already have bait for catching asp. It is a rotating and spoons, as well as surface wobblers. When fishing asp, great importance is the casting distance. Therefore, spinners and lures with a weight of 10 grams of little use. Except for those cases where fishing is light tackle and ultrolayt.
Baubles "Kastmastr" still remains one of the best lures for catching asp. Recommendations for color and size are the same as for the turntables. Blue, red or yellow stripe on the spinners can revive hushed bite. Principle, the larger lure, the bigger the fish remains.
The largest chub is at the bottom. Throwing lures into a flock of "beating" asp, do not forget to do some bottom posting "brave" or depth crank.
Bait for catching catfish and perch
Catfish and perch - old neighbors. If a suitable catfish, nibble on the buzz dies down and the time you can expect to catch a good catfish. During periods of active bite the fish go into the upper layers of water on the sandy shallows. By catching these places we are ready. We already have a full range of surface baits. However, most of the time catfish, perch and hold on the bottom. Let's talk about bottom baits for this fish.
Catching the "jig" is one of the most interesting ways. Methods of fishing jig repeatedly described in the literature, I will not be repeated. List the main characteristics of the jig baits used in the Lower Volga.
Weight jig-heads ranging from 20 to 50 grams. It is desirable to have a full range of heads, with an interval of 2 grams. Vibrohvost, twister, foam fish, octopus, the lure of the heater - not all will be over. Most sea colors: yellow, green, red, white, and their various combinations. Size 6 to 30 cm Remember the principle? The bigger the bait, the bigger fish.
And finally, the most effective way to bottom fishing - trolling diving wobblers. In this method of fishing, I would like to elaborate. The most important characteristic of a wobbler - is the value of his burial. Approximate information about the depth at which there is a wobbler, indicated on the packaging or in the catalog of the manufacturer. However, as a rule, stipulates how the diameter of fishing line was used and how long was her vacation. When tested using monofilament wobblers, as Unlike braided cord, it has a very narrow section. Sweep is better just on the braided line, first of all, he is stronger, and secondly, the best game sends a wobbler. Therefore, to recreate the test conditions in the reservoir is difficult, moreover, the rate of wiring itself strongly influences the penetration of a wobbler.
The magnitude of the actual penetration can be precisely determined only at the lake, watching for the depth sounder on and noting areas in which the lure for the bottom of the blade.
Effective wiring wobbler can be considered if it is at a distance from the bottom of less than 1 meter. By varying the speed and length of wiring leave fishing line, you can vary the penetration as well within 1 meter.
Since it is unknown at what depth will concentrate predator in your arsenal of lures should be able to work at various depths. Lures with a deep and 3 meters (or 3 meters) - work from 2 to 4 meters, 5 meters - 4 to 6 meters, 6 meters high - 5 to 7 meters, etc. Of course, this estimate is very rough, but it is accurate enough for practical purposes. By purchasing lures with a deep located within 2-3 meters, 4-5 meters, 6-7 meters, 8-9 meters long and 10 meters (only 5 wobblers), you are ready for fishing at any depth as possible. Wobblers that can bury a greater depth, I do not have to be used. I hope that in future this gap will be filled. Of course, if your fishing box will be wobblers with intermediate values of working depth, it will positively affect the outcome of fishing.
The question of color wobblers for deep trolinga in our not very transparent water does not yet have a clear answer. I will tell only my own opinion.
The color wobblers matters.
For highly turbid water - acid yellow.
For the average - or normally cloudy - lures bright colors, striped, spotted, etc.
For transparent or slabozamutnenoy water - colors close to natural.
Before sunrise and sunset are effective lures blue. In any case, need to change the colors, choosing the catchability at this time.
Great influence on the result provides the oscillation frequency. Wobblers with an elongated body, are usually low frequency oscillations, and with a rounded higher. It is believed that some species of fish prefer one or another game of a wobbler. I did not see a clear pattern.
If the fish is passive, it lures with greater frequency often trigger a predator on the grip. The same can be said about sostavnikah and tandems. Their use is justified in times of bezklevya or a large influx of fellow anglers.
We have to admit that trolingovoy fishing requires a large amount of expensive lures Their number can be reduced by excluding from the collection of the finest and deepest lures. To get started, simply crankbaits capable of operating at depths of 3 to 8 meters, ie do three kinds of crankbaits. On the colors much to save, perhaps, will not work. Based on the above, they should be written at least three. I would choose: Tiger green or orange, blue and natural coloring. In addition, the lures need to be playing at different times. Total: 3 species x 3 colors x 2 frequency = 18 crankbaits. In addition, each lure is unique and can replace one another with great tension.
Many of the issues associated with spinning lures are submitted by the author of the scope of this article intentionally. In his story, I tried to answer the questions often asked by anglers going to the Lower Volga and do not have much experience fishing in those parts. I hope that the information presented me, it would be useful.
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