There can be a successful technique in all cases. I have a total of five ways to use the wiring that partially combine with each other.
The aggressive entry
After a dive to the bottom with rapid, almost like sweeps, lifts the rod lure is tossed up in the middle layers of the water. Thus the simulated movement quickly fleeing fish, which hesitated to back down on the bottom.
This is achieved by lowering the rod in a horizontal position. Do not forget to podmatyvat line, to constantly come in contact with the bait. This technique is always successful posting, especially when the fish are active. If the water is transparent II its temperature above +15 ° C, catch a walleye, pike and perch in this way. However, in the dark, with a deep and muddy waters down the effectiveness of such posting.
Speed wiring
This method entries I use most often. Rod from the horizontal to the vertical lift, but not a single movement, and three to five short jerks. Because of this, or vibrohvost twister moves in the middle layers of water abruptly and noticeably slower. Keep the line taut, so as not to lose contact with the bait. In so doing it tempting to hesitate very slowly sinks to the bottom. Fish, especially large, it seems, very much. Unfortunately, this method does not always work.
It can, for example, fish in turbid water and at a fairly low temperature. For very cold and very turbid water, there are other successful technology wiring. However, this method is equally well suited for both the standing and the current of water. The rate of flow should always be taken into account when moving rod. When fishing on the course we must remember that the push rod - is not the only force which acts on the bait. The higher and stronger than the lure up, the farther and faster than it drifts over. And as a result - too quickly disappears from sight predator.
Provision for demolition
This version of the wiring is often more productive, especially in cold weather. Best of all it works with the jig-head type "Sapozhok" (Erie). Bait casting after the resistance of water is pressed to the bottom and under the influence of the flow moves on him. It is important to choose the right weight jig head. Too heavy - will only plow the bottom, which threatens to frequent hooks and lightweight too - will take place high above the bottom, not particularly attract the predator.
Bouncing on the bottom
In stagnant water can stir up a lazy predator when using the rod moves to revive the bait, spending her short hops along the bottom. After casting the bait normally give down to the bottom, then jerks are very short so that it makes little jumps, no higher than 5-7 cm above the bottom. Obligatory condition of fishing is always taut fishing line. After jerking the rod can be either left in a horizontal position, or after a second pause, followed by jerking up to vertical.
Under the water it looks as if the little fish poking through the bottom, looking for food. The only drawback is that the wiring is not so slow you can quickly harvested large areas of the pond. In addition, it often happens that the predator is much higher than the bottom, so all the above methods do not work.
Uniform entry
With a uniform wiring is also possible to catch fish. For example, a perch in the middle layers of the water and closer to the surface uniformly indifferent to the ongoing bait.
Sometimes a uniform wiring and bait like pike, walleye but ignores it. If you know that at some point there are predators, such a method of wiring should definitely try it. This method will be even catchability using a jig-head with a rotating paddle, or the so called bayt-spinner.
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