in the water column, gathered in flocks or scattered around the lake. This is a great
way, when you need large expanses of water sampled. With the help of
trolling it is easy to make a passive predator to grab the bait. It is indispensable for
study of the pond.
Trolling is not difficult to master. The main purpose - to lure the "correct" rate close to the perch. To do this you need to know the depth, the character of the bottom places of concentration of fish. It is also necessary to understand the wobbler.
Can be caught trolling during the day and night. During the day it is more effective in a dark and deep waters, on windy days - in the shallows. At night, trolling is effective almost everywhere, especially in pure water and in water, subjected to heavy fishing pressure and boat.
Equipment, tackle
For trolling you need good equipment. You do not need to buy the most expensive. Some very successful anglers dispense inexpensive rods with a "correct" order. First you need to have:
spinning of a certain length
robust reel with plenty of fishing line
rod holders mounted on the boat
engine capable of running at low speed
"Correct" wobblers in several colors and sizes.
Choose the engine that is able to push the boat at low speed during trolling. At the same time, it must be efficient in a strong tide and wind. Suitable motors 20-90 hp
Large Trolling boats are usually equipped with a sustainer engine capacity of 100 - 225 hp and have the steering console. At the transom of the boat is suspended an additional outboard motor 9 - 15 hp That it works at trolling.
Trolling reel
Mutiplikator Abu Garcia
Rods are used the average power with a pronounced taper, length 1.9 - 2.7 m Coils - multiples "barrels" with a completely filled spool. Breaking load of cord 14-20 pounds.
Count of line cord to control the release is very convenient, but you can do without it. To calculate the length of line allocated by many anglers use a "carrier" coil.
There is a precise and intuitive way - setting the cord stopper, a small float, say, 40 meters from the bait. When grazing cord you see it or feel with your fingers. This method is most accurate. It is very convenient, especially in the dark at night.
A thin braided line - an indispensable thing for trolling. It is more sensitive and allows you to dive deeper into a wobbler. In addition, with a thin braid you'll feel better playing a wobbler, touching moments, the nature of the bottom sand, mud, stones ... It is very important!
If you want to catch a few rods, reinforce them as far away from each other. This will reduce the risk of entanglement baits and sampled a large area of the pond.
Rod holder for trolling
Mount the rod on a boat
To fix the rod on the boat are special, adjustable holders - holders. Usually, their adjustment will not cause problems.
You will also need a roomy podsachek for trolling. The best of them are rare, rubberized fabric network, for which does not cling to wobblers. It is also important to podsak was light and had a long, comfortable handle.
Lures - the most important component in the walleye trolling. They designed a great many. The best buzz baits or long and thin like bleak and gudgeon, or larger, similar to roach or perch. Low-amplitude oscillations of these crankbaits, medium. In contrast to the high uporistoy games perch crankbaits.
The choice of color depends on the conditions wobbler fishing. The river, muddy water - the bright green-yellow or orange lures, clean, clear water - the natural colors of lures for perch and roach.
The choice of a wobbler is also dependent on the depth at the site of the current fishing and perch preferences. It was noticed an interesting pattern - plastic lures with large transparent blade longer satisfied with the river perch, balsa model compelling in lakes and reservoirs.
Special models usually wobblers "beat" all other lures, held at the same rate, in the same area, at the same depth. The size, color, sound, nature of the game wobbler can change the situation. Experiment with different models. Let the fish will determine which bait is more like it.
Choose a lure to its working depth was greater than the actual depth of the fishery. For example, if you're going to go fishing at a depth of 1.5 m, try Storm Thunderstick, Rapala Minnow or Smith Super Rogue. Let them go 30 yards and turn on the very low rate.
Shadling Lures for trolling
Legendary Shadling
For medium depths (1.5 - 4.5 m) fit with a long blade baits, such as: Rapala Shad Rap, Excalibur Shad-R, Cotton Cordell CC Shad, Lindy-Little Joe Shadling - very popular among experienced sudachatnikov.
Uporistymi wobblers with a broad and intense game, such as the Rapala Fat Rap and Worden's Deflector best fished strong, highly zakoryazhennye space or underwater, rocky talus. There are often hidden perches.
However, sverhuporistye "Fat Man" type Storm Wiggle Wart is not a good choice for walleye. Their game is too aggressive.
The key point - definition of buzz "points" - places the fish camps. Try to lure in an open area near the bottom of the "point" so that perches can easily find it.
When perches "stick" to the bottom, it is necessary to choose the speed so that the lure touched the bottom often. If predators are active above the bottom, we must pick lure so that it followed the above fish.
The trajectory of the boat - another important moment in trolling walleye. Choose a path along the brovok or underwater islands, so that your bait is in hot "zone" as long as possible. Do not hurry!
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