Everything would have been very good, if not for special equipment: carp rods longer than 3.5 meters, the coil system "Baitrunner", electronic alarms bites, "Cobra", boilies, special hooks and many other exclusive carp "bells and whistles." From the fisheries literature and television shows that without all of this equipment is not worth thinking about catching decent copies. The same view is fully supported by vendors of fishing shops and businesses. If you follow this advice and buy all the recommended equipment, the cost for the two sets of fishermen becomes comparable to the price is not very used "Lada" ...
Is it possible to avoid spending tens of thousands of rubles, and at the same time successfully catching big carp? The experience of my friends and my own years of experience testify that it is possible. Let's try to figure out how.
Sassa - NOT CARP
First of all, it should be noted that in the literature between the carp fishing and carp usually do not make a difference, but it exists and is the main difference - in the environment. Carp can be found mainly in the different ponds, where it was specially bred in the wild waters, where he managed to escape during a flood. Not so important, how he got there, the main thing is that the carp lives in closed basins, where the flow is usually absent. That is to catch a "home" of fish and carp developed a special outfit, whose main task - to fool carp spoiled. This is especially true for European waters, where the principle of "catch - release" is almost always performed. Naturally, overfed on the generous feeding of fish caught and released many times carp will try to stay away from the shore and think twice before you take by mouth most enticing bait. It is in this case are necessary and very long casts and spot feeding baits and carp and other advertised "bells and whistles."
And what about the common carp? It is a free inhabitant of a wide expanse of water of the southern rivers, and especially the Lower Volga. It is here you can go specifically to catch carp only, ignoring all the other fish. There is a well-established view that the common carp prefers areas of the river with slow current. Perhaps this is the case elsewhere. However, the ducts connecting the Volga and Akhtuba, and at the very Akhtuba below Haraboley often the opposite is true: the best place to catch turned out to the rapids. The experience here the best fishing from a boat, and, not necessarily with the motor. It's cheap enough to use a rubber boat or canoe.
Where to find it
To choose the right place for fishing, it is best to ask themselves carp, but rather to remember where they are jumping. It is noteworthy that the carp on Akhtuba jumps often enough, and not only at the beginning, but during the day, except, perhaps, only the hottest afternoon. However, not all that easy. If exactly pinpoint the place jumping, put back the boat, throw the gear, it often turns out that the carp will not bite, while the neighbors are a few dozen meters away from you, where there was no jump, catch it successfully. From this phenomenon we have encountered quite often and have come to the conclusion that the carp does not jump over the place of feeding, and not far from her, and the bite should be expected, putting the boat on most rapids.
Than catching
Now back to the ropes. Using a long rod when fishing with small boats can be very problematic. This is inconvenient and unnecessary. When fishing depths of 5-6 meters, the strong current and muddy water should not be afraid, afraid that the carp boat. In these circumstances it is best to use a very simple rigging: the domestic metal spinning with the "Neva" coil. This choice is explained not only by the relative cheapness of tackles, but also practical. The only indisputable advantage of the metal rod is its strength. In my eyes a stick "head" pulled catfish weighing 48 kg. This spinning rod has a length of 180 cm and therefore is comfortable enough, even in a small boat. But this "iron" stick has a drawback - it rings. Without getting into an argument, how fast they are saws, I would say that it is best to replace them immediately to the firm "SIC".
The use of "Neva" coils seem archaic to many. But it has its pluses. First, the reliability (there is almost nothing to break). Second, the powerful ratchet, which, on the one hand, it gives the possibility to drag carp rods, on the other - keeping the sinker in place even on the very strong current. Third, you can easily podmatyvat and play off the line when playing a fish. However, these advantages have, and multipliers (except for the price, which is ten times higher). You can use the powerful and instantaneous coil. However, besides the high prices, they have another drawback. Constantly working under overload, they "do not last long" (usually 2-3 season).
Now for the fishing line. The use of braided lines is justified, but not necessarily. I successfully get around a relatively cheap monofilament diameter of 0.6 mm. You can also use a thin line, but in this case it is necessary after each cut 8-10 m fishing line, which come from a big load into disrepair.
In the "carp" literature is constantly recommended installation of "helicopter" with the deaf and sinker protivozakruchivatelem. However, the strong current of such installation is not the best. First, this design with a throw distance of 10-15 m just not needed. Second, the lead is less than 100 g during separates from the bottom, and in the form of tubes protivozakruchivatel only adds to the sail. The best option is a flat sliding sinker weighing 150-200 g with a leash connected to the main line through the power swivel. Although its use does not eliminate twisting the leash, but still reduces it.
The best nozzles to catch carp in the lower reaches of the Volga are the earthworm, grasshopper (large grasshoppers) and perlovitsa. However, the application of the first two tips are not always possible because of the huge number of small fish. 100-200-gram white bream, silver bream, Zopa, or just have time to remove the bel nozzle before it reaches the bottom. To a lesser extent, this is a seashell. However, there are times when perlovitsa disappears off the hook for 10 seconds (pinpointing the clock).
We could not understand how a 100-gram white bream with weak lips manages to remove the hook shell, pierced in the strongest part of the two-fold. The answer came in due course. The fact that Belle comes almost like a crocodile, which can not bite on the prey. Grabbing the edge of the shell mouth, white bream abruptly pulls (the tip of the rod jerks, too), and removes a small piece of clam. But as the fish is not one, then the process goes fairly quickly. When the hook is just a dense meat, fish continue its work until it pulls off the remnants of the nozzle off the hook. This explains the frequent empty bite. Carp, when he can be a first nozzle comes another, slowly grabbing a treat. In this case, the tip of the rod are not jerks, and swings smoothly. These features provide the advantage of rolling strikes installation. With a dull snap when the weight of the load limits the sensitivity of the rod tip, it is impossible to guess whether the left on the hook attachment or not.
The use of blind mounting makes sense when using baits. However, all my attempts to catch carp on this attachment failed. Although, as testified to the tip of the rod, the fish interested in Boyle. Despite the fact that the baits, according to experts, should stay on the hook for a few days, usually after 20-25 minutes of the hook is empty.
Use as a primary use of the nozzle causes the shell thick leash. I usually put a tough monofilament with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a length of 20-25 cm with a hook 1/0-2/0. The reason for such a powerful tackle is not in fear of missing a captured specimen. The fact that a large carp prefers a large nozzle. As a joke one day my partner, catching carp weighing 12 kg on the hook 4/0, which were planted five shells, "Big carp can be caught only if the nozzle is heavier sinkers." This is of course a joke, but the 3.2 shell on one hook - a usual thing. When casting the problems with the leash does not occur, but when removing the shells begin to tackle work as a helicopter propeller, svivaya slim lead in a tight braid. After several hours of fishing a leash must be changed. Using a stiff braided fishing lines such as Fireline with a diameter of 0.35 mm is also not successful. In the case of a deaf toe (and they are quite often) cut the lead is almost impossible and you have to burn through the line around the rod.
The use of large hooks, too, makes sense. On the smaller will always take small fish, which have to shoot the hook and release. It should be noted that the small bream sometimes manages to "stretch" even on a big hook.
NOW A FEW WORDS ABOUT A BIG carp vyvazhivanii
First of all, before going on a fishing trip is to tie a rope to the anchor buoy, which can be very useful. When it became clear that the carp was caught, and it becomes apparent (spinning at the same time bent into an arc), it should take him to the line, slowing down the coil until it stops, and only then start reeling. The line should go at each jerk fish, in any case, do not coil tightly pinching. The fact that the short rod does not have the shock-absorbing capability of long poles and carp have been actively working coil.
When fishing with a small boat is not possible to use a huge carp podsachnikom. He was there simply will not fit. It is possible to do the usual. However, remember that you can never pull it to the fish. Seeing the approaching net, the fish makes a powerful leap that will stand, not every tackle. When fishing alone, namely, what usually comes to sit downstream podsachek down into the water and the upper, vyvazhivayuschy fish, carefully trying to start a carp in the net. From the first time it is almost never possible. But the main thing - do not make any sudden movements and do not try to get the fish podsachekom. If the carp was too large, or no confidence in the victorious result, it makes sense to throw the displacer and dogresti sloping up to the nearest shore, and there quietly to take fish.
DO Dressing Carp When fishing TO A STRONG FLOW
This question can be answered "yes", but it is troublesome. If you come in the usual way: mix the fertilizer with clay, roll the balls and throw to a certain point, it is problematic to determine the place where there was a bait. Usually it is 15-20 m below the boat, but not in a straight line, and in the side. The boat is usually put on an armature on a long rope to the second does not interfere with vyvazhivanii fish. But a gust of wind, and in these places it blows almost constantly, often imperceptibly moves the boat across the course of a few meters in either direction. In this situation, put the nozzle to a point of bait is not actually real. The use of buoys at a depth of 5-6 m and strong currents are also possible.
Another use of bait is sinking it in the grid with a large load (with a small cargo feeder just a tear from the bottom). This method allows you to more accurately represent where the bait, but he has a big disadvantage. Trying to put the nozzle slightly below the trough, very often you get it hooked into it. But even when the nozzle is perfectly laid (in the 1-1.5 meter below the trough), and the bite is not followed, the podmatyvanii tackles toe is almost inevitable. In addition, around the feeders are going to a lot of little things that can not disperse, even a large carp. Therefore, the number of blank bites sharply.
In conclusion, a few words about how much fish is carp.
Catches in recent years, dozens of hardened carp, I have come to a paradoxical conclusion: it is necessary to catch carp as much as able to eat your company.
Carp strong and beautiful fish, which, unfortunately, occurs less frequently. So whether torturing a worthy opponent, constantly catching and releasing it back, belly his "sport" vanity. By the carp should be treated with respect.
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